Time to start looking fora new head coach

I believe that he will get one more year, only because we don't have an AD.

He has to make some simple changes.
1. King and Morris come off the bench as 6th and 7th man and play limited minutes. They haven't earned anything more: Be a Coach!
2. Let Murphy play with fouls. If he fouls out thats on Murphy.
3. Keep feeding Konate and Murphy inside every time up the court. One of them needs to touch the ball once inside the post on every position. Simple fundamental basketball; Turnovers will go up but this will help us for next year.
4. McBrayer, Dorsey and Mason need to be coached to drive when our team is in the bonus situation like it was with 6 minutes left at Penn State: Terrible Coaching to take jump shots for 6 minutes.
5. Coach your players to play defense on the offensive players strong hand. Way to many drives past our players using their strong hand. Northwestern made Murphy go to his left today. That's good coaching.

I have been a strong Pitino supporter until today. Just completely awful coaching. Absolutely awful!

Pretty astute: However, King is the 3rd best fg, the best 3pt and ft shooter we have, so don't know if replacing him would be a great idea.

Nothing to worried about, hire Norwood Taste'a'lot as a consultant... he's got connections

Richard Pitino inherited a decent team from Tubby and has run the program into the ground. Comparing Pitino to Tubby and Chris Collins (Northwestern head coach) who were both hired in the same year as Pitino, it is easy to see why Pitino does not deserve a 4th year.

Just because Goetz is the interim AD does not mean that there is not a job to be done. In this case, the basketball program is clearly in shambles. Yes there are exciting recruits coming in, but you can also say the same about Tim Brewster's years as the FB team's HC where there were "highly rated" recruits. I would rather have a Jerry Kill-type coach who brings in good players who fit a system. Bo Ryan did it at WI. Chris Collins is doing it at NW. Brad Stevens did it at Butler.

There is a good list of coaches who will do much better than Pitino. The HC's from Valparaiso (Bryce Drew), Dayton (Miller), Louisiana Tech (White), etc are battle tested and have more experience. Surely one of them can convert a die hard Gopher BB fan to cheer for the home team again.

As it stands right now, you can't pay me to go to the barn and endure the pain that is the current state of our basketball team. And again, next year will not be much better given the youth and Pitino's coaching style/system.

Drew, Miller, and White ain't coming here.

Why not? Drew's salary is ~$300K, Miller's ~$650K and White ~$700K. All three are in lower tier leagues. Why are you so sure none will come. Gopher HC job pays better, plays in the B10, will have a new atheletes' village in a couple years, great city. What's there not to like (no matter who the AD is)?

Drew, Miller, and White ain't coming here.

So you are saying none of the hottest commodities in coaching would come here 2.5 years after firing a hall of fame coach and not allowing the current coach even one full 4 year recruiting cycle and not having a boss in place?

That was Teague's doing. Pitino's firing is performance based. Tubby's firing was all on Teague, and he is no longer in the picture.

Stupid is...

Richard Pitino inherited a decent team from Tubby and has run the program into the ground. Comparing Pitino to Tubby and Chris Collins (Northwestern head coach) who were both hired in the same year as Pitino, it is easy to see why Pitino does not deserve a 4th year.

Just because Goetz is the interim AD does not mean that there is not a job to be done. In this case, the basketball program is clearly in shambles. Yes there are exciting recruits coming in, but you can also say the same about Tim Brewster's years as the FB team's HC where there were "highly rated" recruits. I would rather have a Jerry Kill-type coach who brings in good players who fit a system. Bo Ryan did it at WI. Chris Collins is doing it at NW. Brad Stevens did it at Butler.

There is a good list of coaches who will do much better than Pitino. The HC's from Valparaiso (Bryce Drew), Dayton (Miller), Louisiana Tech (White), etc are battle tested and have more experience. Surely one of them can convert a die hard Gopher BB fan to cheer for the home team again.

As it stands right now, you can't pay me to go to the barn and endure the pain that is the current state of our basketball team. And again, next year will not be much better given the youth and Pitino's coaching style/system.

Your comment is stupid and ignorant about how a basketball program is built from the celler. Tubby was getting worse recruits with each passing year, his first year was his best, the team was heading to the basemen with him and stay there as long as he was coaching. Very talented "young" kids want to play for Patino (beginning last year) we simply don't know what kind of coach is he is until we get a little maturity with the inexperienced talent. Next year is the year, to fully evaluate. This year shut yourself in your house and stop watching, you will make everyone happier.

So you are saying none of the hottest commodities in coaching would come here 2.5 years after firing a hall of fame coach and not allowing the current coach even one full 4 year recruiting cycle and not having a boss in place?

They're not the 'hottest commodities in coaching'. A coach from Valpo would not turn down MN.

That said, if they want to do it this year, they have to name Goetz AD in advance, IMO.

What other coaches would be interested in the job? Do you look for an established coach at a smaller school or hire an assistant from a big time program?
I think we should look for a head coach from a lower tier Division III school.

So you are saying none of the hottest commodities in coaching would come here 2.5 years after firing a hall of fame coach and not allowing the current coach even one full 4 year recruiting cycle and not having a boss in place?

Iowa fired Todd Lickliter after 3 years and was able to hire Fran McCaffrey, a very experienced coach. Some of you guys hang onto this mantra like it was the gospel truth. It isn't. Instead of just accepting and repeating armchair intuitive "wisdoms," try doing a little research for a change.

Iowa fired Todd Lickliter after 3 years and was able to hire Fran McCaffrey, a very experienced coach. Some of you guys hang onto this mantra like it was the gospel truth. It isn't. Instead of just accepting and repeating armchair intuitive "wisdoms," try doing a little research for a change.

The whole 'we'll get a reputation of not giving guys a chance' is laughable. Clem was here 13 years. Monson 8. Tubby 6. No one has been dismissed in an unreasonable time period. And if we end up 7-25, no one will say how unfair it was that we made a move.

They're not the 'hottest commodities in coaching'. A coach from Valpo would not turn down MN.

That said, if they want to do it this year, they have to name Goetz AD in advance, IMO.

He's not Shaka Smart of the last few years, I'll give you that. But I really doubt anybody of note would come here if we fired the current coach 2.5 years in and didn't even have an AD in place. Even a coach from Valpo could find a more stable situation than that.

He's not Shaka Smart of the last few years, I'll give you that. But I really doubt anybody of note would come here if we fired the current coach 2.5 years in and didn't even have an AD in place. Even a coach from Valpo could find a more stable situation than that.

The AD is an issue. The length of Pitino's tenure is a complete non-issue.

Your comment is stupid and ignorant about how a basketball program is built from the celler. Tubby was getting worse recruits with each passing year, his first year was his best, the team was heading to the basemen with him and stay there as long as he was coaching. Very talented "young" kids want to play for Patino (beginning last year) we simply don't know what kind of coach is he is until we get a little maturity with the inexperienced talent. Next year is the year, to fully evaluate. This year shut yourself in your house and stop watching, you will make everyone happier.

Wow! Why the hostility? This is a Gopher fan message board to post our opinions. But just so we know the facts, Tubby was HC at MN for 6 years. He made NIT 2 times and NCAA 3 times. His last year at MN was probably his best, reaching the 3rd round in NCAA tournament. The program was NOT heading to the basement.

Iowa fired Todd Lickliter after 3 years and was able to hire Fran McCaffrey, a very experienced coach. Some of you guys hang onto this mantra like it was the gospel truth. It isn't. Instead of just accepting and repeating armchair intuitive "wisdoms," try doing a little research for a change.

You've cited Lickliter a few times already. I'll give you that one. Any others?

I'm not citing any "intuitive wisdom". I'm offering an opinion. As are you. I just don't believe firing a coach 2.5 years in makes any sense at all. But you and others are certainly allowed to disagree with me.

Wow! Why the hostility? This is a Gopher fan message board to post our opinions. But just so we know the facts, Tubby was HC at MN for 6 years. He made NIT 2 times and NCAA 3 times. His last year at MN was probably his best, reaching the 3rd round in NCAA tournament. The program was NOT heading to the basement.

Those are facts except for the last one. Tubby's team would never have been as bad as it is now. And probably never 'the basement' of the B1G. But you cannot deny it was trending in the wrong direction with the last two recruiting classes.

I think we should look for a head coach from a lower tier Division III school.
So, you'd like Tim Grosz from The University of Northwestern - St Paul?

You've cited Lickliter a few times already. I'll give you that one. Any others?

I'm not citing any "intuitive wisdom". I'm offering an opinion. As are you. I just don't believe firing a coach 2.5 years in makes any sense at all. But you and others are certainly allowed to disagree with me.

Off the top of my head, Billy Gillespie. There have been others. It's not unprecedented.

Wow! Why the hostility? This is a Gopher fan message board to post our opinions. But just so we know the facts, Tubby was HC at MN for 6 years. He made NIT 2 times and NCAA 3 times. His last year at MN was probably his best, reaching the 3rd round in NCAA tournament. The program was NOT heading to the basement.

I would argue his first two years at MN were his best coaching jobs while he was our coach. With the talent on the team, the last few years were big disappointments in my opinion. 20-34 conference record in his last three years.

Off the top of my head, Billy Gillespie. There have been others. It's not unprecedented.

Not unprecedented but doesn't make it a good idea. I'll admit, though, that today was the worst game that I can remember attending in awhile. No idea what to do on offence and no effort on defence. I suppose even I have a limit. But it likely wouldn't be defined solely by wins/losses (this year).

I would argue his first two years at MN were his best coaching jobs while he was our coach. With the talent on the team, the last few years were big disappointments in my opinion. 20-34 conference record in his last three years.

20-34 = ~ 7 wins per season. What a lofty pie-in-the-sky goal that seems like now.

I'd have no problem firing Pitino after three years if there is a downward trend and that could happen. But Teague made a huge mistake is firing Tubby. It's a shame but Teague was one of the worst hires ever at the U. He even gave Pitino a raise. The U if they can Pitino will be on the hook for more money than they should have been.

Not unprecedented but doesn't make it a good idea. I'll admit, though, that today was the worst game that I can remember attending in awhile. No idea what to do on offence and no effort on defence. I suppose even I have a limit. But it likely wouldn't be defined solely by wins/losses (this year).

We should not refuse to make a move out of fear of violating some 'unwritten' rule. Certainly firing a coach after 3 years is not ideal, and if you do it over and over it will hurt you. But we have never done it before. I am still not 100% on it. But it's hard not to lean towards after the disaster today. I no longer think it's an automatic that we have to give him year 4. If we can recover from this and win 4-5 games, OK. If we end up 1-17, we have to consider it.

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