Time to start looking fora new head coach

Pitino and Collins are both in their 3rd year. Notice the difference? Give our players a coach!

Pitino and Collins are both in their 3rd year. Notice the difference? Give our players a coach!

Lack of effort has to be on the players too though. No leadership at all.

Collins also doesn't have nearly the challenges at Northwestern that Pitino has at Minnesota. Same goes for Tubby at Texas Tech...he doesn't have nearly the challenges in Lubbock that Pitino has at Minnesota!!!

But we don't have an AD, so we aren't going to make a move for at least two or three more years.

Collins also doesn't have nearly the challenges at Northwestern that Pitino has at Minnesota. Same goes for Tubby at Texas Tech...he doesn't have nearly the challenges in Lubbock that Pitino has at Minnesota!!!
What, pray tell, are the challenges Pitino has at MN that Collins and Tubby don't have?

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What other coaches would be interested in the job? Do you look for an established coach at a smaller school or hire an assistant from a big time program?

What, pray tell, are the challenges Pitino has at MN that Collins and Tubby don't have?

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I believe he was being sarcastic. At least I hope he was.

Pitino is clearly in over his head. Time to quit blaming Tubby in year three. Reminds me of how people wanted to blame Mason rather than hold Brewster accountable when football was floundering. BTW - Tubby has been doing an OK job at Tech so far this season. I don't believe he ever got blown out by Northwestern at home. Alas, I should not say anything because the future is so bright due to recruiting rankings! Seems to me we heard that with Brewster as well!

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Lil Ricky or Monson? Who is your choice if you need to win 6 Big Ten games in any given year?

What other coaches would be interested in the job? Do you look for an established coach at a smaller school or hire an assistant from a big time program?

There will always be a coach looking for a step up in compensation and prestige. Who would take this job? Multiple qualified coaches would apply (especially if invited) and at least a portion of them will be better than the coach that we have now.

Pitino is clearly in over his head. Time to quit blaming Tubby in year three. Reminds me of how people wanted to blame Mason rather than hold Brewster accountable when football was floundering. BTW - Tubby has been doing an OK job at Tech so far this season. I don't believe he ever got blown out by Northwestern at home. Alas, I should not say anything because the future is so bright due to recruiting rankings! Seems to me we heard that with Brewster as well!

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Well, that's it. Pitino has just been compared to Brewster. We're doomed.

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I believe that he will get one more year, only because we don't have an AD.

He has to make some simple changes.
1. King and Morris come off the bench as 6th and 7th man and play limited minutes. They haven't earned anything more: Be a Coach!
2. Let Murphy play with fouls. If he fouls out thats on Murphy.
3. Keep feeding Konate and Murphy inside every time up the court. One of them needs to touch the ball once inside the post on every position. Simple fundamental basketball; Turnovers will go up but this will help us for next year.
4. McBrayer, Dorsey and Mason need to be coached to drive when our team is in the bonus situation like it was with 6 minutes left at Penn State: Terrible Coaching to take jump shots for 6 minutes.
5. Coach your players to play defense on the offensive players strong hand. Way to many drives past our players using their strong hand. Northwestern made Murphy go to his left today. That's good coaching.

I have been a strong Pitino supporter until today. Just completely awful coaching. Absolutely awful!

I believe that he will get one more year, only because we don't have an AD.

He has to make some simple changes.
1. King and Morris come off the bench as 6th and 7th man and play limited minutes. They haven't earned anything more: Be a Coach!
2. Let Murphy play with fouls. If he fouls out thats on Murphy.
3. Keep feeding Konate and Murphy inside every time up the court. One of them needs to touch the ball once inside the post on every position. Simple fundamental basketball; Turnovers will go up but this will help us for next year.
4. McBrayer, Dorsey and Mason need to be coached to drive when our team is in the bonus situation like it was with 6 minutes left at Penn State: Terrible Coaching to take jump shots for 6 minutes.
5. Coach your players to play defense on the offensive players strong hand. Way to many drives past our players using their strong hand. Northwestern made Murphy go to his left today. That's good coaching.

I have been a strong Pitino supporter until today. Just completely awful coaching. Absolutely awful!
This seems like a good summary. I would add that Pitino should switch to a 1-4 set rather than a 4 out, 1 in set that he now employs. Essentially, he removes Murphy from the post and places him on the perimeter. I don't know why he is doing that.

I put some of the problems directly on the assistants. I have never seen such horrendous D in years from our gophers. I watch the games multiple times on DVR and it is just quite unbelievable how many times our players are out of position. This is particular to Morris who always leaves his opponent to double team. See today's game when Morris went to the top of the key to double team, and the player he was guarding was completely wide open for an easy lay up. Inability to iso or double screens to open Joey up for an open look shot. Lack of a point guard who takes charge and sets up proper motion. Also, we don't have enough good outside shooters, which clogs up the interior and vice versa, no one at the 5 who is skilled, to take the pressure off the perimeter play. Hopefully, next years class will help, but we'll still be playing sophs and freshmen....not really looking for a good uptick till the '17 season................GO GOPERS

There will always be a coach looking for a step up in compensation and prestige. Who would take this job? Multiple qualified coaches would apply (especially if invited) and at least a portion of them will be better than the coach that we have now.

I don't think we could get anyone who would want to face the challenges that we face here at the University of Minnesota.

I don't think we could get anyone who would want to face the challenges that we face here at the University of Minnesota.
What, pray tell, are the challenges at the U of MN that are so unwieldly?

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I've been indifferent to Pitino getting next year. It's getting hard to remain indifferent. This is the worst team in nearly 30 years of watching Gopher basketball. The worst. And Amir Coffey and Reggie Lynch aren't enough to raise this team anywhere near an NCAA birth in 2017. Failing that Pitino will likely be fired in 2017. So why wait?

I think they're 2-9 in their last 11 Big Ten games and one of those wins was against Rutgers.

Because they're so poor on defense it might be wise to stick with one defense till the get it right. I'VE seen everything from man to man, 1-3-1 zone, 1-3-1 zone trap, 2-3 zone,2-3 match up zone.

I've been indifferent to Pitino getting next year. It's getting hard to remain indifferent. This is the worst team in nearly 30 years of watching Gopher basketball. The worst. And Amir Coffey and Reggie Lynch aren't enough to raise this team anywhere near an NCAA birth in 2017. Failing that Pitino will likely be fired in 2017. So why wait?

If they had held on against Penn State and won today, would you still feel the same way?

I've been indifferent to Pitino getting next year. It's getting hard to remain indifferent. This is the worst team in nearly 30 years of watching Gopher basketball. The worst. And Amir Coffey and Reggie Lynch aren't enough to raise this team anywhere near an NCAA birth in 2017. Failing that Pitino will likely be fired in 2017. So why wait?
Yep, I think it's time to cut loses. Even with more talent you are stuck with the same abysmal coaching.

Well, the apple may have not fallen far from the tree, but it looks like it rolled a fair distance.

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