Statement from Mark Coyle

Great but under your feigned argument Claeys needs to be fired regardless of Coyle. Coyle's firing is open to debate but Claeys' is not under the case you laid out. Having a recruit under you watch involved in what happened is not only morally repugnant but an automatic dismissal based on the standards you set forth.

I don't think feigned means what you think it means. And I set no standards in my post (you make a lot of stuff up in your head that you think is real)

And Coyle got the police report and Coyle suspended and then reinstated the players, not Claeys. Claeys was doing his job and following his bosses orders. Even his tweet supporting the players didn't go against his boss, it simply stated that supports his players right to fight for what they believe in...didn't say he didn't support the U's admin right to punish fact Claeys (to my knowledge) has never said one word publicly against the actions of Coyle or the U.

It is possible to support 110 players who feel they are being punished without process and not support 5 who gang banged a cheerleader.

I understand that this concept is difficult for your fascist (I mean progressive) agenda but there it is...I support Claeys and the Gopher Football team and don't support rape or sexual assault. Wow...must just blow your mind.

I don't think feigned means what you think it means. And I set no standards in my post (you make a lot of stuff up in your head that you think is real)

And Coyle got the police report and Coyle suspended and then reinstated the players, not Claeys. Claeys was doing his job and following his bosses orders. Even his tweet supporting the players didn't go against his boss, it simply stated that supports his players right to fight for what they believe in...didn't say he didn't support the U's admin right to punish fact Claeys (to my knowledge) has never said one word publicly against the actions of Coyle or the U.

It is possible to support 110 players who feel they are being punished without process and not support 5 who gang banged a cheerleader.

I understand that this concept is difficult for your fascist (I mean progressive) agenda but there it is...I support Claeys and the Gopher Football team and don't support rape or sexual assault. Wow...must just blow your mind.

Agree 100% Some people are obtuse on purpose.... they think it makes them smarter...

You are the one who needs to check your facts. Claeys suspended Hardin, Buford, T. Johnson, and D. Johnson prior to the Indiana St. game on 9/10. It was announced the following Monday (9/12) that an MPD investigation was underway. When the Hennepin County Attorney's Office declined to bring charges and announced as such on 10/3, Claeys lifted the suspensions the following day. The restraining orders were implemented on 10/19 and 10/21, keeping players from playing in the Rutgers game on 10/22. The restraining orders were lifted on 10/24 (the following Monday) for Kiondre Thomas and for the other 6 on 11/2, prior to the Purdue game on 11/5.

Are you sure Claeys suspended those players of was it Coyle and Claeys agreed. Coyle, not Claeys got the notification from the MPD. Coyle, not Claeys was involved in the MPD investigation and was given the report at the end of the investigation. I fully accept that Claeys agreed with and supported the suspensions and reinstatement, but something this big would be above the Coaches head in this day and age.

Are you sure Claeys suspended those players of was it Coyle and Claeys agreed. Coyle, not Claeys got the notification from the MPD. Coyle, not Claeys was involved in the MPD investigation and was given the report at the end of the investigation. I fully accept that Claeys agreed with and supported the suspensions and reinstatement, but something this big would be above the Coaches head in this day and age.

I don't know for certain, but Claeys himself said he did it and I guess I can only take the man at his word.

I don't think feigned means what you think it means. And I set no standards in my post (you make a lot of stuff up in your head that you think is real)

And Coyle got the police report and Coyle suspended and then reinstated the players, not Claeys. Claeys was doing his job and following his bosses orders. Even his tweet supporting the players didn't go against his boss, it simply stated that supports his players right to fight for what they believe in...didn't say he didn't support the U's admin right to punish fact Claeys (to my knowledge) has never said one word publicly against the actions of Coyle or the U.

It is possible to support 110 players who feel they are being punished without process and not support 5 who gang banged a cheerleader.

I understand that this concept is difficult for your fascist (I mean progressive) agenda but there it is...I support Claeys and the Gopher Football team and don't support rape or sexual assault. Wow...must just blow your mind.

wow, some of you need settle down. name calling or just conflating perceived lack of due process with fascism? Either way it is silly. You don't support rape, but everyone who is a progressive is a fascist? I see what you did there, and it can only have a negative effect. I'm not saying it's only you doing it, or only your side.

I am starting to think the due process posts should be in the politics section???

My guess is many of those who signed the petition are casual fans at best. Among the more die hard fans, my guess is it is pretty split on keeping/firing Claeys.

You may be right, but degree of dedication to the team isn't important. The attendance fell this year, I believe, this kind of crap makes it harder to get more serious fans. And some of the less serious fans are the folks that may become more serious. Since it is a public university everyone gets an opinion.

I heard some kind of statement that the overall buyout for the coaching staff declines in January. Don't know where I heard that and don't know if it was in any way credible. Can anybody comment on that? Maybe Coyle is playing the waiting game to save some money?

You act as if nothing occurred to lose the backing of the president and AD.

Yeah right...that's exactly what I implied. But please, ignore the fact that the Prez & AD tried to throw TC under the bus by saying he was the one who suspended the players (totally refuted by the players themselves).

This thread is now a putrid wasteland.

The concept of due process is not relevant to a universitiy's disciplinary hearings. The student code of conduct is not governed by the US Constitution. (For what it's worth, I'm uncomfortable with the minimal evidentiary standards of these committees - but that's a systematic issue that universities are dealing with and it's not isolated to this case)

Equating progressivism with Fascism is really too dumb for words. They are by definition at the opposite ends of the political spectrum.

Kaler and Coyle are not making the decisions here. Two regents sat up all night, until dawn with the team. They are supporting 90% of the team that appears to have no involvement. There are 5 others that may have no involvement. That is strong support for the players, the team. I think Claeys stays. No idea what else may or may not happen. I just don't think it is Kaler or Coyle making any call at this point.

I bitched and wanted to hear from Coyle.... and now I'm disappointed heard from him.

He might honestly think he's being diplomatic or something with such a simple statement, but that statement reeks of no support but also doesn't want to say it. Kinda wishy washy trending into slimy....

It also can read like he's acting as Tracy's disappointed father or something, that's not professional.

Make a call, be proud of it, give your reasons and stick too it, or get out of the way so someone else can do it.

This doesn't seem like leadership, this seems like someone dancing around trying not to get any mud on their shoes rather than addressing it.

A case can be made to fire Claeys. First there is the incident and it involved a recruit, which probably will have NCAA implications. Second is he let the players back on the team immediately, even though there was at best some seriously questionable behavior on their part, like nothing happened. Third he let their attorney influence the team and their boycott. Finally he supported the boycott, against the wishes of his superiors, contradicted them and threw gasoline on the fire with his tweet. I don't think Claeys thought this all through very well from the beginning. Who knows what went on in the background. I think right now Claeys' only hope is Coyle either thinks he is the long-term solution or Coyle either doesn't want to make a move or the timing is bad and the money is not there. It could go either way. I think the criticism of Coyle is a bit unfair. He is caught between a rock and hard place and by the way, this Minnesota not Mississippi. Even some diehard gopher fans are ready to cut the guy loose even after a 9 win season. It's a very complex situation. Kaler I think maybe came down to hard on the side of the EOAA and I don't like how he has characterized how the discussions went with Claeys and the team. We'll have to wait and see. As we all probably realize, this is the 'U' and they do crazy unexpected things now and then.

I heard some kind of statement that the overall buyout for the coaching staff declines in January. Don't know where I heard that and don't know if it was in any way credible. Can anybody comment on that? Maybe Coyle is playing the waiting game to save some money?

This is exactly what I was wondering. I know Claeys would only get like half a million, but some of the coaches are on two year contracts and would be paid their full salary if terminated.

A case can be made to fire Claeys. First there is the incident and it involved a recruit, which probably will have NCAA implications. Second is he let the players back on the team immediately, even though there was at best some seriously questionable behavior on their part, like nothing happened. Third he let their attorney influence the team and their boycott. Finally he supported the boycott, against the wishes of his superiors, contradicted them and threw gasoline on the fire with his tweet. I don't think Claeys thought this all through very well from the beginning. Who knows what went on in the background. I think right now Claeys' only hope is Coyle either thinks he is the long-term solution or Coyle either doesn't want to make a move or the timing is bad and the money is not there. It could go either way. I think the criticism of Coyle is a bit unfair. He is caught between a rock and hard place and by the way, this Minnesota not Mississippi. Even some diehard gopher fans are ready to cut the guy loose even after a 9 win season. It's a very complex situation. Kaler I think maybe came down to hard on the side of the EOAA and I don't like how he has characterized how the discussions went with Claeys and the team. We'll have to wait and see. As we all probably realize, this is the 'U' and they do crazy unexpected things now and then.

You're right. Kaler and Coyle know that they threw Claeys under the bus when Coyle announced the suspensions as if Claeys supported the decision.

That betrayal was pretty obviously a big part of the tweet. If M.C. does fire T.C. one would hope he'd mention that in public.

If he doesn't then Coyle isn't fit for his job. Can't speak to Kaler. That's for others above my pay grade to decide.

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