Statement from Mark Coyle

It isn't the statement, it is the timing. The decision on Clayes needs to be made TODAY or at the very least in the next 24 hours. If u r gonna fire him, then rip the damn band off today or tomorrow and get it over with. Sooner the better so we can move on. If u r going to extend him, get that announced today or tomorrow and iron out contract details later. Deal with the backlash from the other side if u keep him, but make a damn decision quickly and let's start thinking about recruiting and next season.

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If they were going to extend, they could (or dare I say, should have) extended him already. Can always say that "over the last few weeks, we talked, and established a high level of conduct.. blah, blah, blah."

It isn't the statement, it is the timing. The decision on Clayes needs to be made TODAY or at the very least in the next 24 hours. If u r gonna fire him, then rip the damn band off today or tomorrow and get it over with. Sooner the better so we can move on. If u r going to extend him, get that announced today or tomorrow and iron out contract details later. Deal with the backlash from the other side if u keep him, but make a damn decision quickly and let's start thinking about recruiting and next season.

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Precisely. Coyle and kaler need to go.

I have zero confidence in Coyle. He is, IMO, clearly over his head. However, you don't get to his position w/o being an expert in self preservation. He will play on the masses of ill-informed on the scandal and offer up TC as a sacrificial lamb. Those with facts and a functioning brain will see through it, but so many more won't. My prediction.

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Precisely. Coyle and kaler need to go.

The missing piece in all the speculation are quotes from regents. In the past they have not been shy about sharing their opinion what should happen. It seemed to me Tracy had the support of several of them. Their silence is a bit scary.
While Kaler and Coyle couldn't demonstrate much worse leadership, it would surprise me if either doesnt remain in place.
One more time: Firing Tracy would be very dumb!

I have zero confidence in Coyle. He is, IMO, clearly over his head. However, you don't get to his position w/o being an expert in self preservation. He will play on the masses of ill-informed on the scandal and offer up TC as a sacrificial lamb. Those with facts and a functioning brain will see through it, but so many more won't. My prediction.

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Agree completely about Coyle and Sadly it seems to be unfolding as you describe.

"Coach Claeys and I will take this opportunity to reflect on this past season before sitting down..."

Not something you say if you really want to keep the coach.

That being said, I'd be shocked if he isn't extended.

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I hope they do fire will prove to the Regents that they think solution to a problem is firing the person they deem responsible...that way when the Regents explain to Kaler that he is responsible for hiring mega tongue and botching this whole suspension thing after they repeatedly asked him to get a handle on these Title IX issues and when they fire Coyle for failing to maintain control over an athletic department he was hired to run especially after the mega tongue incident and last years basketball gang bang and yet under his watch here we sit again.

Plus I am still waiting for someone to explain to me how Coyle & Kaler can read the police report about a gang bang and reinstate the players who were named, especially the two who were in charge of an under age recruit who participated in it. I think Coyle should be fired for reinstating the players and Kaler for his handling of the 10 suspensions, failing to heed the requests of the regents regarding this whole process that is problematic to say the least and for yet another sex scandal under his watch after the two last year and the zanaxgate from the wrestlers.

Fire them...Claeys et al will be hired quickly and will be appreciated more wherever they go.

I could be wrong, but I thought there was a news bleep not too long ago about Kaler's review being accelerated ahead of schedule?

Did anyone else see this?

Zero chance that happens. If Claeys gets fired, it's because they already have their guy lined up.

If they do fire TC, what coach of any distinction would want this job, knowing you do not have the backing or support of the Prez or AD?

If they do fire TC, what coach of any distinction would want this job, knowing you do not have the backing or support of the Prez or AD?

You act as if nothing occurred to lose the backing of the president and AD.

If you are into predictions, I predict a modest extension with a line drawn in the sand regarding off the field player issues.

I also predict that the many upstanding team members will do a good job of policing their teammates from here forward.

Yep Vandy, I agree with you. Also this guy's a little time for the anger around the report to die down a bit before the modest extension.

You act as if nothing occurred to lose the backing of the president and AD.

And you act as if a coach can corral 120 males 18-22 yo without a few idiots misbehaving badly. If this was a regular issue or they tried to cover it up then he should have been fired- which to our knowledge it's not.

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If Coyle cans Claeys without someone the caliber of Miles/Fleck on deck he'll split the fanbase.

Again, this is all speculation - BUT -

My sense is that Coyle is a fence-sitter. Before he takes any action, he is trying to figure out how to put himself in the best light possible. Coyle knows that no matter what he does, he will be criticized. He'll be criticized if he fires Claeys, and he'll be criticized if he extends Claeys.

In the immediate aftermath of the bowl game victory, Claeys and his staff look pretty darn good - getting a lot of praise for their game-planning, and getting the players to buy in to that game plan and play hard.

My gut says if Coyle was going to extend Claeys, the time to do it is right after the game. But, if Coyle has already made up his mind to let Claeys go, then he will wait until the after-glow of the game dies down.

The key word in the statement for me is "expectations." That is how Coyle is trying to set himself up to not look like the villain.

My prediction - Coyle waits a few days or more, then comes out and states that he and Claeys have different expectations for the program - positioning Coyle as the guy supporting values and character, and painting Claeys as not being willing or able to reign in the out-of-control players.

I hope I'm wrong - but everything I've seen and heard from Coyle makes me think that Coyle is going to offer up Claeys as the sacrificial lamb to the people who see the team as a bunch of rapists.

And you act as if a coach can corral 120 males 18-22 yo without a few idiots misbehaving badly. If this was a regular issue or they tried to cover it up then he should have been fired- which to our knowledge it's not.

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Most of the guys involved Tracy had coached 20 practices. Not a long time to instill values.

Lets face it Coyle. Players were suspended and didn't know why. As much as they tried, no answers were given in the beginning. The players Boycotted. The Coach supported them as he played a part in recruiting all these players and working with them. In other words when the going got tough, he defended him like I would if it were my daughter or son at a school and was suspended without any reason given.

When more information came out, the players suspended their boycott and Coach took them in. He didn't throw them out to dry, work them harder to be penalized. Rather he worked with them and understood where they were coming from.

Administration has to realized that they handled the situation poorly, very poorly for that matter. Yes perhaps Coach caught the AD and Pres off guard with his support for justice. But they shouldn't have been caught off guard. Coach cares about the players as well as their parents. He is going to defend someone when they are unjustly charged. He is going to discipline someone who needs it for tough love.

Coyle, you are in over your head and missing the boat as to what a player needs, especially one away many miles away from home. I'm sure that the players who messed up learned something. I also think that the players know now, that when someone needs help you help them. But to throw the whole program and coaching staff out the window for sloppy administrative work. You've got a problem.

What if Coyle fires Clayes and then at the EOAA appeal hearing all 10 end up getting cleared??? I realize that those 10 all getting cleared will be the same odds as winning the lottery but it could happen. Imagine how bad Kaler, Coyle and the U would look if that happened.

If he fires Clayes he better be sure the U has an airtight case.

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Via Doogie on Twitter:

" Now that our football team has completed it's season following an exciting win in Tuesday Night's Holiday Bowl, Coach Claeys and I will take this opportunity to reflect on this past season before sitting down together to about about the future and my expectations for our football program."

Coyle has no credibility or leadership capability at all - in line with his leading from behind mentality - I am going to do what I am told, not what is right. After all, TC has won two bowl games in a row, went 8-4 in his first full season as a HC, supported his team, and must have known his leadership (or lack thereof) would not support him given the comments to his team that by supporting them his job was at risk. Give me a break Coyle, let's talk about your mediocrity since coming aboard. What have you done lately? Let's talk about what is expected of you.

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I have zero confidence in Coyle. He is, IMO, clearly over his head. However, you don't get to his position w/o being an expert in self preservation. He will play on the masses of ill-informed on the scandal and offer up TC as a sacrificial lamb. Those with facts and a functioning brain will see through it, but so many more won't. My prediction.

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Guys the last football coach Coyle hired was DINO BABERS.

If Claeys is fired for a Dino Babers level hire Coyle deserves to be burned at the stake.

Guys the last football coach Coyle hired was DINO BABERS.

If Claeys is fired for a Dino Babers level hire Coyle deserves to be burned at the stake.

Coyle is clueless.... and a pawn for Kaler. His leading from behind mentality needs to be removed...Kaler and Coyle need to both be gone.

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Via Doogie on Twitter:

" Now that our football team has completed it's season following an exciting win in Tuesday Night's Holiday Bowl, Coach Claeys and I will take this opportunity to reflect on this past season before sitting down together to about about the future and my expectations for our football program."

Coyle has no credibility or leadership capability at all - in line with his leading from behind mentality - I am going to do what I am told, not what is right. After all, TC has won two bowl games in a row, went 8-4 in his first full season as a HC, supported his team, and must have known his leadership (or lack thereof) would not support him given the comments to his team that by supporting them his job was at risk. Give me a break Coyle, let's talk about your mediocrity since coming aboard. What have you done lately? Let's talk about what is expected of you.

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The criteria Coyle is using to determine whether Claeys stays or goes.

#1 What is the best opportunity for Coyle to impact the whole athletic department via moves made in football.
#2 What will make the football team most appealing to the masses for public donations.
#3 How do we get past this black eye the football program has taken from a PR perspective.

... #365 How many wins the team had this year
#366 How many bowl games the current coach has won in a row

What if Coyle fires Clayes and then at the EOAA appeal hearing all 10 end up getting cleared??? I realize that those 10 all getting cleared will be the same odds as winning the lottery but it could happen. Imagine how bad Kaler, Coyle and the U would look if that happened.

If he fires Clayes he better be sure the U has an airtight case.

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Dealing in hypotheticals...

But in any case, Coyle can always go back to, "We expect more from our young men and we felt it was necessary to take a step forward with a new coach to change the perception"

Who makes the decision to sack Kaler? Dean Johnson? Or does it have to come from a quorum of the Regents?

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