Q&A With Star WR Andre McDonald Who Has Opened His Recruitment Again

RoyalGopher said:
I wonder if the guy that was recruiting McDonald so hard was also Batey's primary recruiter, thus the reason why Batey is re-opening his recruitment, or at least looking around more.
Vandy beat writer tweeted........
Via RyanBurnsGI

@jefflockridge Just got off phone with Vandy commit and Ensworth ATH Cory Batey. He cancelled visit to Minnesota on Jan. 27. He's "100 percent" Vandy

Shocking that this coincided the day after we have -10 temps.

Charlie Miller now has us in a top three with Northern Illinois and Vandy. I think he's supposed to visit Vandy either this weekend or next. I wonder if Batey staying with Vandy will affect his decision in any way. I don't see how it would be possible to take McDonald, Gregory, and Miller, so I wonder if our staff has a good sense one way or another as to who is going where. If we got two of these three (if we in fact have room), I think we will have definitely upgraded our depth. Heck, I'd be happy with one of them!

The Party Train Arrives at the station on February 1st...ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!


If the Gophers are lucky--Vanderbilt and UCLA will feel like this on February 1st...


I think I'd go with Matt's bar

Haha, I love me a Jucy Lucy, but I dunno how much an 18 year old kid would be impressed by a hole-in-the-wall bar. Now, if Matt's delivered a couple Jucy Lucys onto campus or something? We'd get any recruit we wanted.

Haha, I love me a Jucy Lucy, but I dunno how much an 18 year old kid would be impressed by a hole-in-the-wall bar. Now, if Matt's delivered a couple Jucy Lucys onto campus or something? We'd get any recruit we wanted.

Very True.

The Gophers had two football assistants watching Andre score 10pts tonight as Hopkins won 99-84.

Go Gophers!!

Yeah it will be rainy and high 50s out here Saturday. Weather will not be a wow factor for his visit.

Yeah it will be rainy and high 50s out here Saturday. Weather will not be a wow factor for his visit.

Also likely means more clothing for the UCLA females.

I never thought I'd say that as if to imply that's a good thing.

Dude - then you have never been to that salad bar. It's more then a salad bar. It's incredible!

I looked at their menu and saw that smoked salmon is a feature of their salad bar, so to me that equates a winning scenario right there. :cool:

every time andre opens his mouth i get a totally different vibe...

I'd guess that may be because he's still entirely up in the air himself. This might be one of those type decisions that comes down to literally the last minute, and it's a huge decision for him, so he should take all the time he needs.

I find his final three choices of schools to be very interesting and highly esoteric. You've got Vanderbilt, a school in the deep South that is a terrific academic institution and is the only private school in the SEC, and then you've got UCLA, left coast, beautiful beaches, California sunshine, hot girls (of course), and the megalopolis of Los Angeles surrounding it, which is one of the most dynamic and 'happening' urban settings on earth,....and then there's us, his home state school as well as the biggest show in the state of Minnesota. Looking at that cursorily, I'd find Vanderbilt to be a somewhat odd pick as the private school and traditional 'have-not' within the realm of college football and particularly within the milieu of the almighty SEC, but then again I've been to Nashville and seen the Vandy campus, and all I can say is that I absolutely love that town, and I couldn't find fault with Vanderbilt University if I tried. Poor football or no, it's a heck of a school in a terrific town, so I don't doubt but that Andre's struggling with his decision. He's left himself with three starkly differing choices, so between the three schools and everything surrounding them, I'd find that a very difficult choice to make myself.

I'd guess that may be because he's still entirely up in the air himself. This might be one of those type decisions that comes down to literally the last minute, and it's a huge decision for him, so he should take all the time he needs.

I find his final three choices of schools to be very interesting and highly esoteric. You've got Vanderbilt, a school in the deep South that is a terrific academic institution and is the only private school in the SEC, and then you've got UCLA, left coast, beautiful beaches, California sunshine, hot girls (of course), and the megalopolis of Los Angeles surrounding it, which is one of the most dynamic and 'happening' urban settings on earth,....and then there's us, his home state school as well as the biggest show in the state of Minnesota. Looking at that cursorily, I'd find Vanderbilt to be a somewhat odd pick as the private school and traditional 'have-not' within the realm of college football and particularly within the milieu of the almighty SEC, but then again I've been to Nashville and seen the Vandy campus, and all I can say is that I absolutely love that town, and I couldn't find fault with Vanderbilt University if I tried. Poor football or no, it's a heck of a school in a terrific town, so I don't doubt but that Andre's struggling with his decision. He's left himself with three starkly differing choices, so between the three schools and everything surrounding them, I'd find that a very difficult choice to make myself.

My thoughts as well. Only other thing I'd add is that UCLA has strong academics as well.

My thoughts as well. Only other thing I'd add is that UCLA has strong academics as well.

Yes they do, and so do we. It's a very interesting final three to me. You've got the deep South, the upper Midwest, the West Coast, one private school and two extremely large public state universities, and all with academics well above par. We've got the draw that his home is here, and his family and friends could see him play every game, and also the added draw of stability, finally and at long last. An actual concrete plan, and a coaching staff that knows exactly what it's doing, and just as importantly is going to be here, because as we know, Kill and his staff stay together.

Vandy and UCLA each have their own separate draws, and each of those are entirely different than our own. I can feel for his dilemma though, as it's an extremely difficult choice. It's his whole future laid out before him, and he's got the unenviable task of trying to decide the best possible course, while never knowing if that is indeed the correct decision for himself, because that's the type of thing you can only guess at and wonder about in in hindsight, and even then, you'll never know. You will never know what might or could have been, so all you can do is do your proper diligence and do the best you can, and then just leave it up to God or whomever you please.

I get a little bit bothered when I read some of the message board comments pointing to him as being 'disloyal' somehow, because he's not automatically decided to head to Minnesota, like that should be a foregone conclusion or something simply because he was born here. Or the message board posters who act like he's somehow playing around or trying to be coy. I find that frankly disrespectful, and not at all reflective of reality. That young man needs to go where he needs to go, just as all young men do, and only he can decide that for himself. We all share the right of self-determination, and that's a good thing, because it will help young Mr. McDonald to grow up, to have the power and responsibility to determine his future like that. I hope he chooses to come here, as I'm sure do all of us, but I certainly couldn't hold another choice against him, because he's got three great choices in front of himself.

That's all, and I'm sorry for getting on a soapbox.

And I apologize for all this ridonkulous editing, It's early, it's cold, it's Maine, and I need more coffee, and those are my sad excuses. It's a wonder I swam in the Atlantic Ocean back on Jan. 1, but now things have gone sub-zero, and anyway. Other than that,to me point still stands, and let young Mr. Andre McDonald decide what he wants to do, free of interference or any kind of unwanted bullcrud at all, and wish him the best possible future regardless of all and anything else.

If he were to read this board, I'd only tell him "I wish and hope you'll come here, Andre", however, even more so, I'd tell him and even ask him please, "Dude, please. Go where you want to go and go wherever you feel is right". I'd hate the thought of him ever regretting his decision.

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