Per 247 and "HugeShow" the job has been offered to PJ Fleck

Fleck's agent can demand the world from these 2 clowns

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Where is this Huge from? Michey? People sound like dopes when they say Minny

It might be a rebuild... we'll have to see how many players transfer and how many decommit. I hope this didn't set us back 5 years.

Oh no, we will be instant Rose Bowl contestants playing before overflow crowds with a sideline full of 4 and 5 star players because that's what Fleck will do for this University. At least that's what people on the board here seem to think, and Coyle will settle for nothing less as he told us yesterday.

We would be just a stop on the road for Fleck. Claeys would have stayed a long time and built a profile and a program nationally known for defense and toughness.

Oh no, we will be instant Rose Bowl contestants playing before overflow crowds with a sideline full of 4 and 5 star players because that's what Fleck will do for this University. At least that's what people on the board here seem to think, and Coyle will settle for nothing less as he told us yesterday.

More people on this board think prime Bernie Bierman was just fired than PJ Fleck will have the Gophers in Pasadena next season.

Oh no, we will be instant Rose Bowl contestants playing before overflow crowds with a sideline full of 4 and 5 star players because that's what Fleck will do for this University. At least that's what people on the board here seem to think, and Coyle will settle for nothing less as he told us yesterday.

I bet you are fun at parties.

Sorry to be raining on your parade minnyrules11, but I'm old enough to have been around when we were promised that Wacker was going to turn the program around into a winning one just like the teams he had coached before getting here.
And don't get me started on Brewster...

So the program is not better off after a 9-4 season and back to back bowl wins compared to when Wacker took over?

Agreed with you on Brewster.

Take it with a grain of salt but here are two **semi** reputable sources going with it:

If it's true the big-wig media guys will have it within a few hours and if not I just started another pointless thread.

Edit: I still think they should have gone after the Florida State TE's coach. I've heard rave reviews and that he sometimes even lays on the field DURING GAMES.

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If true, Fleck will call his peeps, who will tell him he'd be nuts to take this and Fleck will then turn us down.

Minnyrules11, I agree that the program while not yet to WI/Michigan/OSU standards was on the right path and we should have kept TC. Coyle obviously sees things differently.

It might be a rebuild... we'll have to see how many players transfer and how many decommit. I hope this didn't set us back 5 years.

If it only sets us back five years we'll be fortunate.

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Coyle had better hope that Fleck is a Gopher Jesus, and not a Gopher Job, that ends up on an ash heap like almost every Gopher coach of the last 50 years.

65th in the nation? That's easy. Even Claeys could do that.

Claeys could definitely do it if he had a class of 26 kids. Or 27 the year before that. Or 27 in 2015. Or 28 in 2014.

Gopher recruiting rankings would look a lot better if Claeys/Kill had 15 more commits over the last 3 years.

More people on this board think prime Bernie Bierman was just fired than PJ Fleck will have the Gophers in Pasadena next season.

It's amazing isn't it? On 12/16 Gopherhole had a poll showing 79% here wanted Claeys gone. Now people act as if we just fired Nick Saban. We are dealing with one of the worst and most embarrassing scandals in our program's history and it happened on Claeys watch. He's a bad recruiter to begin with but had we kept him it would've potentially gotten worse. Other programs would use it against him and to their advantage. We needed a clean slate after this mess and that meant a new head coach.

It's amazing isn't it? On 12/16 Gopherhole had a poll showing 79% here wanted Claeys gone. Now people act as if we just fired Nick Saban. We are dealing with one of the worst and most embarrassing scandals in our program's history and it happened on Claeys watch. He's a bad recruiter to begin with but had we kept him it would've potentially gotten worse. Other programs would use it against him and to their advantage. We needed a clean slate after this mess and that meant a new head coach.

I know but the embarrassing people in the ordeal are picking the next coach.

Claeys could definitely do it if he had a class of 26 kids. Or 27 the year before that. Or 27 in 2015. Or 28 in 2014.

Gopher recruiting rankings would look a lot better if Claeys/Kill had 15 more commits over the last 3 years.

Hey, after all of the suspensions and expulsions, we are going to have a huge class again.

Sorry to be raining on your parade minnyrules11, but I'm old enough to have been around when we were promised that Wacker was going to turn the program around into a winning one just like the teams he had coached before getting here.
And don't get me started on Brewster...

You mean Wacker's 40-58-2 record at TCU immediately prior to him coming to Minnesota had you excited? Who's fault is that???

And Brewster's stellar head coaching record and long history as a successful coordinator had you excited? Or you don't make your own judgements?

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NO there is nothing wrong with that, but that's not what you said. You said he could get attract talent and be the face of a program. I'm not the first and only one to compare him to Brew. I will say he at least has some head coaching experience going for him running a program. But how anybody can classify this as a "huge step" I cannot understand. This is no different than the Jerry Kill hire. Which is a hire we made when we were in the lowest of lows. We just won 9 games. Going back and hiring someone from a program like this is a step back.

I don't get the Brewster comparisons at all in regards to Fleck. Sure he is energetic and willing to promote the program but he also has been a head coach and done very well to this point. Brew had no experience above that of a position coach and was a massive reach as a head coach. Comparing Fleck to Brew is not fair to Fleck.

The difference between this potential hire and the Kill hire is that nobody was knocking down Jerry's door when we went and got him. Fleck's name comes up with most job openings right now and he is viewed as an up and comer in the coaching ranks. I have no idea if he will work out if they do end up hiring Fleck but I don't think the move is comparable to the hiring of Brew or Kill. If anything it is much closer the the Pitino move.

Hey, after all of the suspensions and expulsions, we are going to have a huge class again.

Bigger classes aren't better for a school like Minnesota. For top recruiting schools, yes, because they have more talent that wants to go there than they can usually take. For schools that scrape the bottom of the 3 star rankings when trying to fill a class of 19, filling a class of 25 becomes an exercise in lowering the average talent level in the program.

I don't get the Brewster comparisons at all in regards to Fleck. Sure he is energetic and willing to promote the program but he also has been a head coach and done very well to this point. Brew had no experience above that of a position coach and was a massive reach as a head coach. Comparing Fleck to Brew is not fair to Fleck.

The difference between this potential hire and the Kill hire is that nobody was knocking down Jerry's door when we went and got him. Fleck's name comes up with most job openings right now and he is viewed as an up and comer in the coaching ranks. I have no idea if he will work out if they do end up hiring Fleck but I don't think the move is comparable to the hiring of Brew or Kill. If anything it is much closer the the Pitino move.

The Brew comparisons that I've seen went like this:
Poster #1: We need a candidate with more energy, someone to sell the program to get more people in the seats.
Poster #2: Brew was a salesman with a lot of energy, that didn't keep people in the seats.

Of course, if Poster #1 is dumb, they jump into a strawman debate and say something like "But, Fleck's done way more than Brewster". Which is true, but completely and entirely not the subject of the conversation.

Most of the Brew comparisons that I have seen have been a response to the idea that "we need someone to go out and sell the program, with high energy". We need the best coach we can find, that is what sells the program (wins). A salesman without wins (Brew), falls on his face. Now, this isn't saying that Fleck isn't THAT guy, the guy who can bring wins to the program. It is just saying that our criteria for finding a new coach shouldn't be salesman with high energy, it should be best coach (which may be Fleck).

Bigger classes aren't better for a school like Minnesota. For top recruiting schools, yes, because they have more talent that wants to go there than they can usually take. For schools that scrape the bottom of the 3 star rankings when trying to fill a class of 19, filling a class of 25 becomes an exercise in lowering the average talent level in the program.

No I agree completely. I was joking. I was just making a joke that because of the suspensions our incoming class would be larger and we'd have a better team recruiting ranking.

I agree with you though, we'd have a worse team and a worse program because of it, but our recruiting rankings would go up.

You mean Wacker's 40-58-2 record at TCU immediately prior to him coming to Minnesota had you excited? Who's fault is that???

I credit Wacker with the integrity to report infractions and live through the consequences while he was at TCU. Much of the fault in that record of Ws and Ls was not of his making.

Wacker tbought he could close the borders and fill the rest in with his connections in Texas.
The only kid from Texas that had a good career at Minnesota was Chris Darkins, and he was not heavily recruited because he started out in HS as a soccer player.

It's amazing isn't it? On 12/16 Gopherhole had a poll showing 79% here wanted Claeys gone. Now people act as if we just fired Nick Saban. We are dealing with one of the worst and most embarrassing scandals in our program's history and it happened on Claeys watch. He's a bad recruiter to begin with but had we kept him it would've potentially gotten worse. Other programs would use it against him and to their advantage. We needed a clean slate after this mess and that meant a new head coach.

Lets pump the brakes a bit on the most embarrassing scandal in program history. Was it unfortunate, absolutely, but understand no charges will be filed no NCAA investigation will occur and lets also stop saying he can't recruit. Pretty sure the defenses on the field over the last five years (that Tracy recruited), were the best I've seen from us in the last 20 years. If we fired a coach because of recruiting rankings I swear to god, I am done with this University.

Call a spade a spade, Coyle wanted to bring in his own guy. Why he didn't just say that at the press conference is beyond me.

That being said, time to move on, I'm going to support the new coach because what else is there. However, I hope we don't look back in 10 years and say "remember when we fired a coach for going 9-4, wtf did we do that?"

Speaking of Wacker, don't have the stats available to me, however, but I wonder how Cory Sauter stacks up against Leidner. Additionally, Wacker actually managed to beat Wisconsin in back to back years (an actual winning streak!)

Lets pump the brakes a bit on the most embarrassing scandal in program history. Was it unfortunate, absolutely, but understand no charges will be filed no NCAA investigation will occur and lets also stop saying he can't recruit. Pretty sure the defenses on the field over the last five years (that Tracy recruited), were the best I've seen from us in the last 20 years. If we fired a coach because of recruiting rankings I swear to god, I am done with this University.

Call a spade a spade, Coyle wanted to bring in his own guy. Why he didn't just say that at the press conference is beyond me.

That being said, time to move on, I'm going to support the new coach because what else is there. However, I hope we don't look back in 10 years and say "remember when we fired a coach for going 9-4, wtf did we do that?"

I agree Coyle wanted his own guy. The university wasnt going to let him buy out another football coach, 3rd since 2006, coming off a 9 win season. So in a way I feel like he exploited the situation to get what he wanted.

Buy why did he want his own guy. We all have heard Claeys and Coyle didnt get along. Coyle right now biggest job is fundraising for the athletes village. Yet his head coach decreases his public appearances, and likely fundraising opportunities. The conflict right there would be enough for me alone. Coyle has a job a member of his staff is making it more difficult to do. The most important member of the staff.

Cant have the head coach go in turtle mode in his office at a Big Ten school. This was also likely why Claeys has never been a head coach before either.

I get why he moved on is all I'm saying.

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