Per 247 and "HugeShow" the job has been offered to PJ Fleck

Yes you can, see Kirk Ferentz and Paul Chryst. Not exactly flashy fundraisers. Is it just me, or is the main job of a Coach to win football games and the AD to raise money? I have a feeling if you win more football games than you lose fundraising takes care of itself. But, you know, sure lets fire a guy who won 9 games last year and had a winning record in the Big Ten because he isn't flasy enough, that is a good reason.

Yes you can, see Kirk Ferentz and Paul Chryst. Not exactly flashy fundraisers. Is it just me, or is the main job of a Coach to win football games and the AD to raise money? I have a feeling if you win more football games than you lose fundraising takes care of itself. But, you know, sure lets fire a guy who won 9 games last year and had a winning record in the Big Ten because he isn't flasy enough, that is a good reason.

I think it depends on who your AD is and his strengths. In seeing Coyle, it would appear his strengths are more along the lines of administration, organization, and program cheerleader. His weaknesses are public speaking, marketing and salesmanship. If he has a strong assistant AD who can fundraise and strong coaches who are good in front of the camera, then it plays to his strengths.

I have heard the department is much better organized under him, however I also heard is a classic "administrator" type who will probably not set the world on fire raising money or selling the program. I give him credit for realizing his weakness and trying to find personel that fit his strengths, even if I disagree with what he has done.

I think it depends on who your AD is and his strengths. In seeing Coyle, it would appear his strengths are more along the lines of administration, organization, and program cheerleader. His weaknesses are public speaking, marketing and salesmanship. If he has a strong assistant AD who can fundraise and strong coaches who are good in front of the camera, then it plays to his strengths.

I have heard the department is much better organized under him, however I also heard is a classic "administrator" type who will probably not set the world on fire raising money or selling the program. I give him credit for realizing his weakness and trying to find personel that fit his strengths, even if I disagree with what he has done.

Interested why you included program cheerleader as a strength.

Neither Iowa or Wisconsin is fundraising for a major football project at this time. That makes a difference right now. Whether we like it or not it makes a difference.

Neither Iowa or Wisconsin is fundraising for a major football project at this time. That makes a difference right now. Whether we like it or not it makes a difference.

So you make a move that upsets a bunch of high powered donors (i.e. see Lou Nanne's comments). It'll take the next coach a longtime to get these guys back on board, probably through next season. Like I said earlier, Coyle did this because he wanted his guy. I just wish he would admit that it was his only reason.

So you make a move that upsets a bunch of high powered donors (i.e. see Lou Nanne's comments). It'll take the next coach a longtime to get these guys back on board, probably through next season. Like I said earlier, Coyle did this because he wanted his guy. I just wish he would admit that it was his only reason.

IMHO, he's in for a rude Minnesota awakening when realizes who he has to settle for in order to get his own guy. It ain't gonna be pretty.

I gave Coyle 10 working days to land the Football Coach. If he accepts, hold it till Monday and plash the news to start the week.

I think it depends on who your AD is and his strengths. In seeing Coyle, it would appear his strengths are more along the lines of administration, organization, and program cheerleader. His weaknesses are public speaking, marketing and salesmanship. If he has a strong assistant AD who can fundraise and strong coaches who are good in front of the camera, then it plays to his strengths.

I have heard the department is much better organized under him, however I also heard is a classic "administrator" type who will probably not set the world on fire raising money or selling the program. I give him credit for realizing his weakness and trying to find personel that fit his strengths, even if I disagree with what he has done.

He was literally the Associate AD for External Relations (overseeing the marketing department among others) here and subsequently was continuously promoted to better and better jobs, so I very much doubt that marketing is a weakness of his.

It's amazing isn't it? On 12/16 Gopherhole had a poll showing 79% here wanted Claeys gone. Now people act as if we just fired Nick Saban. We are dealing with one of the worst and most embarrassing scandals in our program's history and it happened on Claeys watch. He's a bad recruiter to begin with but had we kept him it would've potentially gotten worse. Other programs would use it against him and to their advantage. We needed a clean slate after this mess and that meant a new head coach.

you stated it well. Not sure when Tracy became a righteous cause for some fans but he did sometime around the boycott.

Wisconsin's fundraising is pretty much centered on Alvarez and his "team" of fundraisers. Otherwise it is based on winning. And actually, Chryst is pretty awesome in a one on one/small group situation.

The best thing about Chryst is that he is a "Wisconsin guy" in the truest sense of the word. Many fans were uneasy with Bielema's douchiness (is that a word?) and thought Andersen was just weird, but they did win. Chryst is a winner that is truly a perfect fit. If I was the Minnesota AD I would be looking for the same.

It's amazing isn't it? On 12/16 Gopherhole had a poll showing 79% here wanted Claeys gone. Now people act as if we just fired Nick Saban. We are dealing with one of the worst and most embarrassing scandals in our program's history and it happened on Claeys watch. He's a bad recruiter to begin with but had we kept him it would've potentially gotten worse. Other programs would use it against him and to their advantage. We needed a clean slate after this mess and that meant a new head coach.

Dead on! Lets go back and read some of the threads during the game and see what a legend everyone thought TC was. I would have to believe even the most loyal TC people understand that he would not have even got a sniff of the head coaching job if Kill wouldn't have resigned mid-season and the fact that we did not have an AD to make a hiring decision.

Wisconsin's fundraising is pretty much centered on Alvarez and his "team" of fundraisers. Otherwise it is based on winning. And actually, Chryst is pretty awesome in a one on one/small group situation.

The best thing about Chryst is that he is a "Wisconsin guy" in the truest sense of the word. Many fans were uneasy with Bielema's douchiness (is that a word?) and thought Andersen was just weird, but they did win. Chryst is a winner that is truly a perfect fit. If I was the Minnesota AD I would be looking for the same.

Cool story Hansel

Wisconsin's fundraising is pretty much centered on Alvarez and his "team" of fundraisers. Otherwise it is based on winning. And actually, Chryst is pretty awesome in a one on one/small group situation.

The best thing about Chryst is that he is a "Wisconsin guy" in the truest sense of the word. Many fans were uneasy with Bielema's douchiness (is that a word?) and thought Andersen was just weird, but they did win. Chryst is a winner that is truly a perfect fit. If I was the Minnesota AD I would be looking for the same.

Kevin Sumlin.

I watched that Wisconsin game. I'd be embarrassed to have a coach jumping around like a clown on our sidelines like he was. I read some WMU boards yesterday. Didn't take long to find plenty of their fans that aren't pleased with his self-centeredness and egomania. Lots of Gopher fans love the taste of snake oil though...

Interesting you bring this up. In 2008, I went to Camp Randall for Brewster's first ever game in @Wisconsin. As I recall, the players took part in the "jump around" and were pumped up going into the 4th quarter. They would eventually lose 35-32 despite a 14 point lead going into the 4th. Fast forward to 2016 again I was at Camp Randall, and during jump around, the players, instead of partaking, held up the #4 (assuming something to do with playing all 4 quarters, etc). In both games, the Gophers had the lead going into the 4th quarter. Both times the Gophers choked. Does it really matter who, and who isn't jumping on the sidelines?

you stated it well. Not sure when Tracy became a righteous cause for some fans but he did sometime around the boycott.

Tracy became the sympathetic figure right about the time the Coyle went on TV and spoke about his crusade for truth and bringing integrity and discipline back. Nobody who knows Claeys thinks he lacks either and our coaching staff is well respected. The actions of a few players (all first or second year) don't represent the 6 years of the Kill/Claeys era and the work they have done for the U.

Coyle should have just used AD speak, said we were moving in a different direction and moved on instead of taking shots at these men's character.

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