Penn St Sanctions

He's just mad that he was rong - R-O-N-G about Penn State receiving punishment from the NCCA.

Nope. This is quite consistent with my behavior the entire time I've been here. I'm not going to change it for you or anyone else. If someone is wrong, I'm going to point it out. Deal with it.

Well...this certainly is a fail parade Chitown. Time for a good fisking.

Total PR Spin by NCAA. This is a slap on the wrist.
Um no. This is not a slap on the risk. You could actually argue that a 1 year death penalty would have been easier to recover from. If you disagree, coming up with actual reasons instead of specious phrases would be helpful.

the "unprescediented" part of the sanctions is that they were handed down so quickly and that there is a fine. $60 mil is a big fine, but amazing that they know the victims will sue. Seems almost like they want/will be paid shady.
Fantastic conspiracy theory. If you actually read the NCAA's finding, you'd know that the money is going into an endowment to fund child sex abuse programs and to help victims.

They vacated victories--they do this every year? I get it that it covers 12 years and removes JoePa from the top...but what is they punitive damage beyond that? the fans and players felt the thrill of victory for those 12 years.
There is no punitive damage beyond that. That is the point of that penalty.

4 year bowl what? USC, tOSU had a few 'paid' players and they get 3/2? Unless the B1G steps in and kicks them out of the $ pool, so what? no trip to AZ or FL in Jan????
Try reading my previous post. This is FAR harder on PSU than what USC faced.

Loss of 10 Schollys? again, so what? You still get 15/75 total...that is enough to cover 3 deep and special teams...again where is the real harm?
Here's another clear sign that you didn't bother to read what the actual punishments were. Their limit is actually 65 scholarship players. And that's a huge deal when combined with a bowl ban that means kids in the first 2 affected recruiting classes could quite easily go to PSU and never attend a bowl game.

But when people point out when you are rong, R-O-N-G, you say this:

DPO: "you have no grounds to continue to harass me". Then you start swearing and cussing.

I put my money where my mouth was. If I welched on the bet, you'd have every right to run your mouth. Since I paid up, you've forfeited the right to harass me about it. That's how bets work. If you want to continue beating the corpse, put up your own $50 donation, or shut the f&ck up.

Nope. This is quite consistent with my behavior the entire time I've been here. I'm not going to change it for you or anyone else. If someone is wrong, I'm going to point it out. Deal with it.

Excellent idea. You were wrong about the NCCA punishing PSU. You were wrong about this impacting PSU's recruiting. I am going to point it out. I may even point it out in my automatic signature at the end of every post.

Eye no, eye no, you are going to say you're weren't rong, the NCCA was rong. But that wasn't the bet. The bet wasn't whether the NCCA should punich PSU, it was whether they wood - and on that you were R-O-N-G.

I put my money where my mouth was. If I welched on the bet, you'd have every right to run your mouth. Since I paid up, you've forfeited the right to harass me about it. That's how bets work. If you want to continue beating the corpse, put up your own $50 donation, or shut the f&ck up.

I'll use your words o wise one, "If someone is wrong, I'm going to point it out. Deal with it."

I'll use your words o wise one, "If someone is wrong, I'm going to point it out. Deal with it."

Show me the time I piled on someone who lost a bet. The stakes of the bet are the punishment, not you running your know-nothing mouth about it forever. Post to me again about the bet (or put it in your signature) and consider yourself reported.

Once again, I will readily admit I was wrong on the %.. California produces great football and baseball players. Please take Your boot off my neck. Yikes.

Dpo likes to 'emphasize' his points. That's why we love him here on GH.

Geez...these days you can't even get on the internet for a nice discussion about pedophilia without it becoming a sh!tshow.

Show me the time I piled on someone who lost a bet. The stakes of the bet are the punishment, not you running your know-nothing mouth about it forever. Post to me again about the bet (or put it in your signature) and consider yourself reported.

Reported? To who, the hall monitor? The bully is now tattling?

Since when does losing a bet shield someone from having some smack run in their direction? No what eye like to do in matters like these? That's right, consult Burt Reynolds. You'll remember the Bandit talked plenty of smack to Ennis and Lil' Ennis in Smokey and the Bandit II about his winning their bet that that was the focus of Smokey and the Bandit I.

Sorry, but in the court of Burt Reynolds, people can still run smack to you even though a monetary loss was associated with you faulty logic.

Wait, I know who you reported me to. Buford T. Justice.

Well...this certainly is a fail parade Chitown. Time for a good fisking.
Frisking?? you will have to buy me dinner first :)

Um no. This is not a slap on the risk. You could actually argue that a 1 year death penalty would have been easier to recover from. If you disagree, coming up with actual reasons instead of specious phrases would be helpful.

My point is not how easy it would be to recover from, it is about scantions befitting the situations. Yes, a one (or multiple year) death penalty would be more fitting. Not for the ability/inability to recover, but to call out the severity of the crime (literally). The Stigma of being one of two programs to face such a punishment would further sully the 'tradition' they have enjoyed at the expense of doing the proper/decnet/right thing with Sandusky.

Fantastic conspiracy theory. If you actually read the NCAA's finding, you'd know that the money is going into an endowment to fund child sex abuse programs and to help victims.

I DID read it and never contradicted what the funds would be used for. I pointed out that it seems like they want to be paid out first-and will. The civil trials, appeals and payouts will not conclude for years.

There is no punitive damage beyond that. That is the point of that penalty.

Try reading my previous post. This is FAR harder on PSU than what USC faced.
FAR Harder is subjective, it is for only one more year and the point to my statement (which you missed) is to compare the seemingly tirival (and not uncommon) occurance of a violation for a player recieiveing money to a criminal act cover up (and further allowing the perpatrator access to the Univ) by the Athletic Dept and Univ officials. These are two vastly differnt viollaitons are are met with similar penalties.

Here's another clear sign that you didn't bother to read what the actual punishments were. Their limit is actually 65 scholarship players. And that's a huge deal when combined with a bowl ban that means kids in the first 2 affected recruiting classes could quite easily go to PSU and never attend a bowl game.

Sorry, the report on FOX (i know, why trust them) that i read had that number. Still 65 is still enought to ALMOST cover 3 deeps.

In todays BCS game, 65 scholarship players is a disaster, and the quality of those 65 players are going to drop quickly. This will take a generation for PSU to recover.

FYI, you might want to fix your quotations. I almost missed most of your reply.

My point is not how easy it would be to recover from, it is about scantions befitting the situations. Yes, a one (or multiple year) death penalty would be more fitting. Not for the ability/inability to recover, but to call out the severity of the crime (literally). The Stigma of being one of two programs to face such a punishment would further sully the 'tradition' they have enjoyed at the expense of doing the proper/decnet/right thing with Sandusky.
So basically you like to use the idiom in a different way than the rest of the world? "Slap on the wrist" means to deliver a light punishment. How easy it is to recover from is kind of the point if you're using that phrase. Now that I get what you're saying, I don't necessarily disagree with your underlying point that there would be extra stigma involved with the death penalty for sure. That doesn't mean PSU got off easy though. It just means they got hammered in a way that didn't carry the extra stigma.

I DID read it and never contradicted what the funds would be used for. I pointed out that it seems like they want to be paid out first-and will. The civil trials, appeals and payouts will not conclude for years.
So your argument is that the NCAA should wait to financially penalize PSU until after the civil trials? You should also keep in mind that any judgements against PSU as an entity might not come against the same pot of money. The athletics budget is seperate from PSU's other funds/assets/sources of revenue. In the end, I still don't see how financially penalizing PSU over the next 5 years and giving the money to sex abuse groups is "so shady".

FAR Harder is subjective, it is for only one more year and the point to my statement (which you missed) is to compare the seemingly tirival (and not uncommon) occurance of a violation for a player recieiveing money to a criminal act cover up (and further allowing the perpatrator access to the Univ) by the Athletic Dept and Univ officials. These are two vastly differnt viollaitons are are met with similar penalties.
So, either you didn't read my post or your missed the point. The one extra year is only for scholarship penalties alone. The full weight of the punishment is that those aren't the only penalties. The bowl ban was DOUBLE what USC got. The scholarship losses combined with a bowl ban of the same length that happens concurrent (which wasn't true for USC) to the scholarship losses makes for a much different (and more punitive) scenario than what USC faced. This also ignores the fact that the transfer exemptions for PSU are more lenient and could allow the team to be gutted before the season even starts.

Here's a simple comparison:
- Only of the limited recruiting classes at USC was impacted by the bowl ban. This class only missed out on a bowl during their freshman or redshirt seasons. Only upperclassmen could transfer without penalty.
- All four of the limited recruiting classes at PSU will be impacted by the ban. Members of the first class might never see a bowl game, 2nd class might only have a chance their senior year, 3rd class might only have a chance their junior year, and the final limited class might not see a bowl game opportunity until their sophmore year. PSU also has to let any current player transfer without penalty.

Can you please explain how those are similar penalties?

Sorry, the report on FOX (i know, why trust them) that i read had that number. Still 65 is still enought to ALMOST cover 3 deeps.
Which sounds awesome but ignores the impact of combining this with a bowl ban and penalty free transfer punishments (i.e. that the quality of player you can get goes down). It means you either have 3 deeps full of less talented but higher character guys (so that you don't waste schollies on malcontents) or that you risk harming your depth even more by recruiting more talented guys with warning flags. Is it possible to get past this? Certainly. But it is unlikely that PSU does so successfully.

Guessing the Big Ten penalties involve leaving PSU out of bowl monies and the championship game. Not sure what else they could/would do.

Probably that along with allowing players to transfer in the BT without any penalty. About the only other thing they could do would be to kick them out of the BT altogether... doubt that will happen, but it is possible.

It will be interesting to see who stomps on PS while they are down going after Penn State players and who maintains their integrity in how they treat them.

um, yeah...

Why trust MSNBC, CNN or the others for that matter...

Because MSNBC or CNN does not receive a morning talking point list from a Political Party, and then spends the day going down it point by point?

FYI, you might want to fix your quotations. I almost missed most of your reply.

So basically you like to use the idiom in a different way than the rest of the world? "Slap on the wrist" means to deliver a light punishment. How easy it is to recover from is kind of the point if you're using that phrase. Now that I get what you're saying, I don't necessarily disagree with your underlying point that there would be extra stigma involved with the death penalty for sure. That doesn't mean PSU got off easy though. It just means they got hammered in a way that didn't carry the extra stigma.

So your argument is that the NCAA should wait to financially penalize PSU until after the civil trials? You should also keep in mind that any judgements against PSU as an entity might not come against the same pot of money. The athletics budget is seperate from PSU's other funds/assets/sources of revenue. In the end, I still don't see how financially penalizing PSU over the next 5 years and giving the money to sex abuse groups is "so shady".

So, either you didn't read my post or your missed the point. The one extra year is only for scholarship penalties alone. The full weight of the punishment is that those aren't the only penalties. The bowl ban was DOUBLE what USC got. The scholarship losses combined with a bowl ban of the same length that happens concurrent (which wasn't true for USC) to the scholarship losses makes for a much different (and more punitive) scenario than what USC faced. This also ignores the fact that the transfer exemptions for PSU are more lenient and could allow the team to be gutted before the season even starts.

Here's a simple comparison:
- Only of the limited recruiting classes at USC was impacted by the bowl ban. This class only missed out on a bowl during their freshman or redshirt seasons. Only upperclassmen could transfer without penalty.
- All four of the limited recruiting classes at PSU will be impacted by the ban. Members of the first class might never see a bowl game, 2nd class might only have a chance their senior year, 3rd class might only have a chance their junior year, and the final limited class might not see a bowl game opportunity until their sophmore year. PSU also has to let any current player transfer without penalty.

Can you please explain how those are similar penalties?

Which sounds awesome but ignores the impact of combining this with a bowl ban and penalty free transfer punishments (i.e. that the quality of player you can get goes down). It means you either have 3 deeps full of less talented but higher character guys (so that you don't waste schollies on malcontents) or that you risk harming your depth even more by recruiting more talented guys with warning flags. Is it possible to get past this? Certainly. But it is unlikely that PSU does so successfully.

Thanks for your analysis of my post, I hope you and your 15 cats have a great day...

As far as the Victory Bell is concerned, they can go ahead and melt that down and erase that stupid, forced "rivalry" that never should have been.
Does anyone know what will become of that Paterno statue? Do they put it in hiding? Melt it down? Give it to the family?

From 93X this morning:

They put it in the school library as a symbol for everyone to keep quiet.:banghead:

Show me the time I piled on someone who lost a bet. The stakes of the bet are the punishment, not you running your know-nothing mouth about it forever. Post to me again about the bet (or put it in your signature) and consider yourself reported.

So you do bet money! Hilarious based on our discussion last week.

If you do not think the winner of a wager is able to give the loser a hard time after the bet is paid, I wonder what world you live in...It is all part of a good freindly wager my boy.

If any FCS institutions were still looking the other way while coaches use the student body as a dating pool, those days are over. Yes, this is different but I'll bet people have been placed on notice.

So you do bet money! Hilarious based on our discussion last week.

As I said earlier, I don't know what I was thinking when I made that bet, for 2 reasons: 1) I pretty much never bet for money; 2) my stance all along was not that the NCAA wouldn't punish Penn St., it was that they shouldn't punish Penn St. Again, the best defense I can think of is temporary insanity.

If you do not think the winner of a wager is able to give the loser a hard time after the bet is paid, I wonder what world you live in...It is all part of a good freindly wager my boy.

Even though I disagree with your premise, I'll accept it. That being said, this assclown is not a party to the wager in any way.

In todays BCS game, 65 scholarship players is a disaster, and the quality of those 65 players are going to drop quickly. This will take a generation for PSU to recover.

Let's remember there will be walk-ons and a lot of highly-motivated Pennsylvania kids who believe Penn State got the shaft in this will be happy to join the program. Probably not a lot of stars come out of that process, but it will net depth and special teams help. I'm not ready to bury Penn State.

Let's remember there will be walk-ons and a lot of highly-motivated Pennsylvania kids who believe Penn State got the shaft in this will be happy to join the program. Probably not a lot of stars come out of that process, but it will net depth and special teams help. I'm not ready to bury Penn State.

I am.

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