Penn St Sanctions

If you're PSU, you're hoping like hell that O'Brien doesn't suck as a collegiate head coach even moreso now. Being that he's never been an HC there's a possibility he's just not the guy for the job, even with a full compliment of players. But if you compound poor coaching with their penalties, and it's a recipe for not just disaster, but nuclear winter.

Hard to say if insurance would cover something like this. I would not be surprised if there was a clause regarding felonius criminal behavior that would result in non-coverage.

I'm not talking about a traditional insurance policy, rather a captive insurance company. Basically anyone can start their own "insurance company" and insure pretty much anything. The link below is an outtake of a few slides from a recent industry gathering that may give you some insight to captives. Captives are the wild west of the insurance industry.

Do you know for a fact that all the people are gone or just assuming based on press coverage?

I don't know that for fact. I was referring to Spainer, Curley and Paterno.

Question on sanctions, I understand PSU has to go down to about 63? Through 2017. How long will it take them to get back to 68 with class signing limits?

For example if they graduate 1/4 of their 63 in 2017 they'd have 48 on scholarship with 40 to give, but per B10 are only allowed to sign 28?

Will it take them an additional three years to get to 88? And I assume it would then cause wild class size swings in the future that might take years to figure out.

Also, how will they calc an APR?

PSU is down to 75 scholarships in 2013 and 65 in 2014-2017 (from the maximum 85). They can only offer 15 scholarships in 2013-2016 (instead of the maximum 25). Basically, ignoring attrition, etc., the earliest they'll be back up to 85 scholarship players is (I think) 2019, with 25 players in each of the freshmen, sophomore and junior classes and 10 seniors.

Earliest they could have "balanced" classes is 2020, when their 2017 freshmen are seniors. From 2013-2019 it will get very lean, especially if there's any attrition.

Gopher07 said:
PSU is down to 75 scholarships in 2013 and 65 in 2014-2017 (from the maximum 85). They can only offer 15 scholarships in 2013-2016 (instead of the maximum 25). Basically, ignoring attrition, etc., the earliest they'll be back up to 85 scholarship players is (I think) 2019, with 25 players in each of the freshmen, sophomore and junior classes and 10 seniors.

Earliest they could have "balanced" classes is 2020, when their 2017 freshmen are seniors. From 2013-2019 it will get very lean, especially if there's any attrition.

Thanks. I think a lot of people are missing this when they say they'll come roaring back in four years. Do you know if you also have to count a walk on granted an open scholarship against your class? I'd assume you do.

I expect PSU will ask for a class size waiver from the league (assuming there are no NCAA rules governing it). If they are in full compliance with the consent decree, the league might look petty denying such a request four years from now.

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