Penn St Sanctions

ESPN reporting that the Delany will speak at 10 am (central time) and announce the Big Ten's penalties.

The big question is whether the Big Ten will expel Penn State. My conversations with league sources indicate this will not happen, although the presidents considered the option. Big Ten bylaws state 70 percent of the league's presidents -- in this case, nine of 12 -- must vote for Penn State's removal to trigger expulsion.

With the scholly reductions the recruits who do come to PSU have to be high-moral players. They can't lose ANYONE. No one can get kicked off the team for crimes, grades, etc. No one can be a bust. These scholarships are more valuable than gold.

ESPN just noted that JoePa's last official win was in '97, against Wisconsin. His QB for that win: Mike McQuery....

The loss of scholarships will hurt in a couple of years. PSU will be hurt from this for about 6-7 years but I don't see the program falling completely off the cliff.

The big questions is why even do this now. How does this help the students who have nothing to do with this for years. Everyone who was involved has been convicted in court. This is just an emotional reaction and a witch hunt!

Penn State coach Bill O'Brien reacts to NCAA sanctions

"Today we receive a very harsh penalty from the NCAA and as Head Coach of the Nittany Lions football program, I will do everything in my power to not only comply, but help guide the University forward to become a national leader in ethics, compliance and operational excellence. I knew when I accepted the position that there would be tough times ahead. But I am committed for the long term to Penn State and our student athletes.

"I was then and I remain convinced that our student athletes are the best in the country. I could not be more proud to lead this team and these courageous and humble young men into the upcoming 2012 season. Together we are committed to building a better athletic program and university."

Go Gophers!!

IMO PSU is absolutely F'd. If you were a recruit would you really want to go play for a University that basically allowed an individual to prey on children? Just the thought of being associated with a program that allowed this to happen is unfathomable. Especially, when the type of players that PSU is recruiting are high end talent that every other team in the B1G team is recruiting as well.

The history and allure of PSU was Joe Pa and now his legacy is tarnished, therefore the prestige of PSU is no longer there plus 4 years of NO bowls, what is there to play for?

Time for the U to capitalize!!!

I stand corrected. The current % is skewed higher then normal due to local walk ons from the lack of schollies. There are 5 walkons players from local high schools on the roster who get bumped for oos players if schollies were available. Again, 1 in 9 high school football players are from California.

The big questions is why even do this now. How does this help the students who have nothing to do with this for years. Everyone who was involved has been convicted in court. This is just an emotional reaction and a witch hunt!

Oh no a decade of mediocre football. How will they survive?!

Will Penn St now become a drag on the Big Ten?

Good thing we have their BB team to lean on.:rolleyes:

Penn State coach Bill O'Brien reacts to NCAA sanctions

"Today we receive a very harsh penalty from the NCAA and as Head Coach of the Nittany Lions football program, I will do everything in my power to not only comply, but help guide the University forward to become a national leader in ethics, compliance and operational excellence. I knew when I accepted the position that there would be tough times ahead. But I am committed for the long term to Penn State and our student athletes.

"I was then and I remain convinced that our student athletes are the best in the country. I could not be more proud to lead this team and these courageous and humble young men into the upcoming 2012 season. Together we are committed to building a better athletic program and university."

Go Gophers!!
Translation: Please, nobody transfer out this week!

IMO PSU is absolutely F'd. If you were a recruit would you really want to go play for a University that basically allowed an individual to prey on children? Just the thought of being associated with a program that allowed this to happen is unfathomable. Especially, when the type of players that PSU is recruiting are high end talent that every other team in the B1G team is recruiting as well.

The history and allure of PSU was Joe Pa and now his legacy is tarnished, therefore the prestige of PSU is no longer there plus 4 years of NO bowls, what is there to play for?

Time for the U to capitalize!!!

The people involved in the cover-up are gone. Penn St is still a fine academic institution and the actions of those in the football program have tarnished their reputation and as heinous as the crime they coverd up the school I assume along with the football program will eventually be able to move on.

Nothing. Vacated wins simply mean that PSU can't claim the win. It's still a loss for Minnesota.

But if Penn State's wins are vacated, should they still stay on the Bell? We may have lost, but officially, they didn't win. If their wins are sticken from the books, why not from the Bell also? The Bell never felt like it was really the equal of the Jug, Axe or Pig.

Just like no one wants to go to USC?

Despite the NCAA PR spin, this is a relative slap on the wrist for the PSU. Suspension of play for a minimum of 2 years would have been a good start.

It's not the same as USC. USC did have a similar strength penalty in terms of scholly reductions (15 max for 3 years) but they had a smaller bowl ban. They also approached their penalties in a shrewd way, by taking the bowl ban right away (which included 2010, a year they weren't going to a good bowl) but appealing the scholarship losses. What this means for them is that even though they lose depth and must do a very good job of recruiting quality talent and quality attitude guys for 3 years, they'll still be able to tell those guys that there are bowls in their future.

PSU doesn't have any of that. Their first smaller recruiting class can't be promised a bowl game. The only way those kids see a bowl is if they redshirt and PSU makes it in their RS senior year. 2nd smaller class is also hurting because many of these guys prob won't be able to redshirt b/c of depth and that means that they wouldn't see a bowl until their senior years. In the third class I'd expect even fewer redshirts which means the earlier non RS kids would see a bowl is in their junior year. It probably wouldn't hurt the pitch to the 4th class as much, but by that point where will PSU be in terms of on field performance?

Compare that to USC. Because their appeal of the scholarship reductions pushed that penalty out a year, they only have 1 size limited recruiting class that faced the threat of a bowl ban (which would come in their true frosh or RS seasons). Not even close to the same level of penalty.

But if Penn State's wins are vacated, should they still stay on the Bell? We may have lost, but officially, they didn't win. If their wins are sticken from the books, why not from the Bell also? The Bell never felt like it was really the equal of the Jug, Axe or Pig.

I would assume they come off the Bell. I'm just saying we don't get credit for any wins. I guess that still changes the overall W-L record for the series in our favor. I was thinking more in terms of us getting credit for any W's (which we won't).

I am sure the large boosters will have this fine paid by the end of the week. NCAA over reached in this. An example would be you had a brother murder somebody and he was convicted and now they are coming after you for the murder also when you had nothing to do with it.

Whoever said Penn State should get booted is an idiot!

Recruiting is going to be tough for Penn State, no bowl gae for your career at Penn State is a hard sell. I wonder how many players will transfer. Is it too late for current recuits to back out?

The current % is skewed higher then normal due to local walk ons from the lack of schollies.

According to, USC has signed scholarship LOIs with 101 players combined over the last 5 recruiting classes (2008-2012). Of those 101, 74 (73.3%) players were from California.

I am sure the large boosters will have this fine paid by the end of the week. NCAA over reached in this. An example would be you had a brother murder somebody and he was convicted and now they are coming after you for the murder also when you had nothing to do with it.

Whoever said Penn State should get booted is an idiot!

A better analogy is if your brother murders people, and you keep burying the bodies in your back yard to help him cover it up.

I am sure the large boosters will have this fine paid by the end of the week. NCAA over reached in this. An example would be you had a brother murder somebody and he was convicted and now they are coming after you for the murder also when you had nothing to do with it.

Whoever said Penn State should get booted is an idiot!

I love the apples and oranges arguments that keep coming up here.

I am sure the large boosters will have this fine paid by the end of the week. NCAA over reached in this. An example would be you had a brother murder somebody and he was convicted and now they are coming after you for the murder also when you had nothing to do with it.

Whoever said Penn State should get booted is an idiot!

Anyone can transfer without sitting a year from what I understand.

The Big 10 could ban them from the Big 10 Network for a period of years. Could make them ineligible for the Championship Game. They could withhold or contribute Penn State's share of Big 10 revenue to the victims fund.

I am not saying the players cant transfer this is to another thread that said Penn State should be kicked out of the B1G!

An example would be you had a brother murder somebody and he was convicted and now they are coming after you for the murder also when you had nothing to do with it.

Analogies aren't your strong suit, are they "Gopher"Fanatic?

Let me fix your broken logic, using your less than apt example - you had a brother murder somebody and he was convicted and now they are coming after you for covering it up for 14+ years.

That would never happen, would it? Still over reaching?

There are 6000+ active threads on B&W Illustrated where your insights would be more appreciated.

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