Penn St Sanctions

Nothing. Vacated wins simply mean that PSU can't claim the win. It's still a loss for Minnesota.

This is an outrage! If Penn State didn't beat us 44-14 in 2005, 28-27(OT) in 2006, and 33-21 in 2010 how did we lose?:confused: Maybe the Big Ten at its 10:00 am press conference this morning will give us the victories we deserve or least take away the losses. I do like the idea though of Penn State having to Fed-Ex the Governor's Bell back to us. That would ar least be a start to reversing this injustice!:)

What about impact to the Gophers/B10?

1. Likelihood of moving up a notch in bowl selection over next four years
2. Any chance at PSU transfers? Unlikely for the U b/c mostly east coast kids?
3. With fine, civil penalties and likely loss of bowl share, does PSU move ahead with hockey? Could leave Gophers as an independent?
4. Easy path to CG for OSU and WI for at least the next 4 years. Wisconsin now officially replaces PSU as one of B10's top 4?
5. Go back to geographically aligned divisions? :)
...other thoughts

According to, USC has signed scholarship LOIs with 101 players combined over the last 5 recruiting classes (2008-2012). Of those 101, 74 (73.3%) players were from California.

In the previous 5 years (2003-2007), it was 83/111 (74.8%).

Total PR Spin by NCAA. This is a slap on the wrist.

the "unprescediented" part of the sanctions is that they were handed down so quickly and that there is a fine. $60 mil is a big fine, but amazing that they know the victims will sue. Seems almost like they want/will be paid shady.

They vacated victories--they do this every year? I get it that it covers 12 years and removes JoePa from the top...but what is they punitive damage beyond that? the fans and players felt the thrill of victory for those 12 years.

4 year bowl what? USC, tOSU had a few 'paid' players and they get 3/2? Unless the B1G steps in and kicks them out of the $ pool, so what? no trip to AZ or FL in Jan????

Loss of 10 Schollys? again, so what? You still get 15/75 total...that is enough to cover 3 deep and special teams...again where is the real harm?

The Univ and football program Harbored and Enabled a Pedophile for over 10 years!!! WTF is wrong with the NCAA?

Analogies aren't your strong suit, are they "Gopher"Fanatic?

Let me fix your broken logic, using your less than apt example - you had a brother murder somebody and he was convicted and now they are coming after you for covering it up for 14+ years.

That would never happen, would it? Still over reaching?

There are 6000+ active threads on B&W Illustrated where your insights would be more appreciated.

Joepa reported is out of his hands at that moment and nothing should fall back on him.

Some other details: Penn State transfers may not count against the teams they transfer to scholarship limit. PSU will also forfeit bowl revenue over the next 4 years

This freeah report is all hearsay and someones opinion. Last time I checked that is not evidence against someone to be convicted guilty in court. Hell I could say everyone in here is a rapist then because it is my opinion from what I have heard. Same thing here for Penn State.

The additional Big Ten sanctions:

Censure: The accepted findings support the conclusion that our colleagues at Penn State, individuals that we have known and with whom we have worked for many years, have egregiously failed on many levels—morally, ethically and potentially criminally. They have failed their great university, their faculty and staff, their students and alumni, their community and state—and they have failed their fellow member institutions in the Big Ten Conference. For these failures, committed at the highest level of the institution, we hereby condemn this conduct and officially censure Penn State.

Probation: The Big Ten Conference will be a party to the Athletic Integrity Agreement referenced in the NCAA release, and will work closely with the NCAA and Penn State to ensure complete compliance with its provisions over the 5 year term of the Agreement.

Ineligibility: As referenced in the NCAA release, Penn State’s football team will be ineligible for postseason bowl games. It will also be ineligible for Big Ten Conference Championship Games for four years, a period of time that runs concurrently with the NCAA postseason bowl ban imposed this morning.

Fine: Because Penn State will be ineligible for bowl games for the next four years, it will therefore be ineligible to receive its share of Big Ten Conference bowl revenues over those same four years. That money, estimated to be approximately $13 million, will be donated to established charitable organizations in Big Ten communities dedicated to the protection of children.

What about impact to the Gophers/B10?

1. Likelihood of moving up a notch in bowl selection over next four years
2. Any chance at PSU transfers? Unlikely for the U b/c mostly east coast kids?
3. With fine, civil penalties and likely loss of bowl share, does PSU move ahead with hockey? Could leave Gophers as an independent?
4. Easy path to CG for OSU and WI for at least the next 4 years. Wisconsin now officially replaces PSU as one of B10's top 4?
5. Go back to geographically aligned divisions? :)
...other thoughts

Part of the $60 mill 'fine' states that no funding may be reduced for non-football sports. Not sure if the yet-to-start hockey program falls into that coverage or not.

This freeah report is all hearsay and someones opinion. Last time I checked that is not evidence against someone to be convicted guilty in court. Hell I could say everyone in here is a rapist then because it is my opinion from what I have heard. Same thing here for Penn State.


You truly put the number 19 at an all time low. Station19 has been unfairly punished.

This freeah report is all hearsay and someones opinion. Last time I checked that is not evidence against someone to be convicted guilty in court. Hell I could say everyone in here is a rapist then because it is my opinion from what I have heard. Same thing here for Penn State.


This freeah report is all hearsay and someones opinion. Last time I checked that is not evidence against someone to be convicted guilty in court. Hell I could say everyone in here is a rapist then because it is my opinion from what I have heard. Same thing here for Penn State.

If you had a record of 450 interviews and 3.5 million documents as proof against someone, I'd believe you. Your analogies are full of fail.

As far as the Victory Bell is concerned, they can go ahead and melt that down and erase that stupid, forced "rivalry" that never should have been.
Does anyone know what will become of that Paterno statue? Do they put it in hiding? Melt it down? Give it to the family?

From Spencer Hall:

What would I have the NCAA do here? Absolutely sh!t-nothing. After all, it's what they do most of the time. Ideally, I'd like them to evaporate overnight, and simply cease to exist. That will not happen, so I would instead like them to admit what they're doing: stabbing a corpse, and then demanding some public recognition of their ersatz bravery. I would like them to admit they are seizing a horrific moment in time to advance their own fartgassy agenda, and then demanding credit for it. They will burn an effigy after the courts have already done the hard work of humanity.

They will not do any of this. The NCAA's punishments serve no purpose, solve no problems, and prevent nothing. They represent an organization desperate for relevance seizing the moment to poach some kind of sinister power-up from this moment. They will -- and did -- suggest the "children" are the reason for the reach, and do so without openly guffawing or flinching from the shame a normal, moral person would feel at that moment. They will use the word "culture" to defend what they do, mostly because using that word allows you to make up whatever you like without evidence, justification, or data.

Time for Minnesota to get it's kick to the chops in.

Drop the battle for the Governor's Victory Bell.

That'll fix'em.

Joe Schad is reporting that schools can't go over the 85 scholarship limit to accept a PSU transfer...

From Spencer Hall:

What would I have the NCAA do here? Absolutely sh!t-nothing. After all, it's what they do most of the time. Ideally, I'd like them to evaporate overnight, and simply cease to exist. That will not happen, so I would instead like them to admit what they're doing: stabbing a corpse, and then demanding some public recognition of their ersatz bravery. I would like them to admit they are seizing a horrific moment in time to advance their own fartgassy agenda, and then demanding credit for it. They will burn an effigy after the courts have already done the hard work of humanity.

They will not do any of this. The NCAA's punishments serve no purpose, solve no problems, and prevent nothing. They represent an organization desperate for relevance seizing the moment to poach some kind of sinister power-up from this moment. They will -- and did -- suggest the "children" are the reason for the reach, and do so without openly guffawing or flinching from the shame a normal, moral person would feel at that moment. They will use the word "culture" to defend what they do, mostly because using that word allows you to make up whatever you like without evidence, justification, or data.


THE Chitown Gopher said:
Total PR Spin by NCAA. This is a slap on the wrist.

the "unprescediented" part of the sanctions is that they were handed down so quickly and that there is a fine. $60 mil is a big fine, but amazing that they know the victims will sue. Seems almost like they want/will be paid shady.

They vacated victories--they do this every year? I get it that it covers 12 years and removes JoePa from the top...but what is they punitive damage beyond that? the fans and players felt the thrill of victory for those 12 years.

4 year bowl what? USC, tOSU had a few 'paid' players and they get 3/2? Unless the B1G steps in and kicks them out of the $ pool, so what? no trip to AZ or FL in Jan????

Loss of 10 Schollys? again, so what? You still get 15/75 total...that is enough to cover 3 deep and special teams...again where is the real harm?

The Univ and football program Harbored and Enabled a Pedophile for over 10 years!!! WTF is wrong with the NCAA?

What punishment would satisfy you?

In the previous 5 years (2003-2007), it was 83/111 (74.8%).

Once again, I will readily admit I was wrong on the %.. California produces great football and baseball players. Please take Your boot off my neck. Yikes.

This freeah report is all hearsay and someones opinion. Last time I checked that is not evidence against someone to be convicted guilty in court. Hell I could say everyone in here is a rapist then because it is my opinion from what I have heard. Same thing here for Penn State.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^still too many birds on the antenna^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

We lead the overall series 4-3 now (PSU 93, 94, 97, Minnesota 99, 00, 03, 04)

man, we had #1 penn state beat in that 1997 game. former RB thomas hamner fumbled away the win for us very late in the 4th quarter. still smarts that we lost that game to them.

An example would be you had a brother murder somebody and he was convicted and now they are coming after you for the murder also when you had nothing to do with it.

Uh, if that brother tried to systematically cover up the murder, then yes, he goes to jail, too. Pretty simple, really.

Big Ten Expansion:

Nebraska.....loses AAU accreditation.

Penn St.......scandal

How we doing so far?

This idea that Penn State shouldn't be punished for its actions, because Penn State doesn't have actions, only the particular individuals have actions is rather strange. If we follow that reasoning, Penn State couldn't have any contracts or property, because the people who sign the contracts at some point won't be there.

Once again, I will readily admit I was wrong on the %.. California produces great football and baseball players. Please take Your boot off my neck. Yikes.

He's just mad that he was rong - R-O-N-G about Penn State receiving punishment from the NCCA.

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