That's probably game...F***ing dammit. I really believed we had a special season...It will still be a good season. But certainly falling short of expectations after that PSU game.

Guy was grabbing TJ’s jersey on both 3rd and 4th down and gets away with it both times. Effing unbelievable.

That's probably game...F***ing dammit. I really believed we had a special season...It will still be a good season. But certainly falling short of expectations after that PSU game.
At least u don't have to watch them get embarrassed against OSU

Holding penalties never called. I suppose the Gophers will get blamed for that as well.
WIsconsin is consistently the best team in the nation at cheating and getting away with it, Fball and Bball both. Puke

Many Badger fans on this board today pretending they're Gopher fans.

Refs letting them beat up our receivers too much. Game over. Still a great season. Outback or Citrus Bowl is a great thing.

Not sure why Seth Green Wild Cat wasn’t put in on 3rd and 4th down?

Refs letting them beat up our receivers too much. Game over. Still a great season. Outback or Citrus Bowl is a great thing.
I really thought with our better position in the standings that the refs wouldn’t screw us yet again against Wisconsin, but alas, as sure as the sun rises the refs will fakk us against Wisconsin.

Our DC has had a HORRIBLE game!!! You would think that he would not be predictable once!

Kamal Martin is limping like crazy and can barely move, yet he's still in the game. It's playing defense with 10 guys. Why can't the coaches see this and replace him?

It was a fun year. Let’s do it one more time and then PJ can figure out how to turn over the defense this summer.

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