Holy crap! Martin is injured and can't run, get him out of there!

Gophers being outcoached/outsmarted on offense, defense and the kicking game. Not going for it on fourth at the Badger 35 early on set the tone. Badgers gambling, going for broke, and it's working.
We waved the white flag like we did second half of PSU and first half of Iowa. Thought we would have learned.

I admire the kid and his desire to be out there and my heart breaks for him not being at full strength for this game, but Kamal Martin should not be playing right now. He's not in a position to help the team and he's at risk of hurting his future.

Man we are getting BADLY out coached. Wisconsin is going for the throat, and we are shitting our pants.

We've had good second half adjustments all year. Wisconsin came out making it look too easy.

Replay of that last touchdown showed Martin cannot run on 2 legs. Take him out for his future.

Just a bad day in general injuries, weather (nullifying our passing game), not being aggressive on 4th and 2 up 7 and on Wisconsin’s 35 yard line, and getting outfoxed. I will look back on the 4th and 2 as a huge misstep in this game. We had a chance to make a statement and ram it down their throats. The games not over but it looks bleak. I can’t watch the rest of the game because of a reservation at the Capital grille and the phantom of the opera after. I hope we can come back and pull it out.

One team play calling like scared little kids.
The other team being aggressive.
Thought I wouldn’t see this again after the Iowa game.
Pj was badly outcoached and veteran
Just a bad day in general injuries, weather (nullifying our passing game), not being aggressive on 4th and 2 up 7 and on Wisconsin’s 35 yard line, and getting outfoxed. I will look back on the 4th and 2 as a huge misstep in this game. We had a chance to make a statement and ram it down their throats. The games not over but it looks bleak. I can’t watch the rest of the game because of a reservation at the Capital grille and the phantom of the opera after. I hope we can come back and pull it out.
Even though he is been badly outcoached it is nice to see PJ still run down the sideline in the snow.

What should I do with the extra 2 grand I suddenly have?

The truth is that we have an average offensive line and and average defensive line.

It's been exposed against good B10 competition.

Holding penalties never called. I suppose the Gophers will get blamed for that as well.

Now we will see if we are still rowing.

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