Official "Mitch Leidner is not a division one QB" thread

I predicted (hoped) that as the season progressed Mitch would look like an All-B1G QB. The last couple of weeks, he looked that good to me. His resume continues to grow with numerous 4th quarter clutch plays and passes. He's tough, a good leader, and threw the ball really well after a bye week to get healthier. He'll have some bad throws, maybe even some sub-par games, but I think he is really on the rise and will continue to do so. If that happens, it contradicts the popular school of thought that this staff can't develop QBs.

let's see Mitcheroo throws for 59 yds and the team gets a win and you credit Mitcheroo. Mitcheroo throws for 300 and the team loses and you praise Mitcheroo. just set some freakin standards and live by them.

I predicted (hoped) that as the season progressed Mitch would look like an All-B1G QB. The last couple of weeks, he looked that good to me. His resume continues to grow with numerous 4th quarter clutch plays and passes. He's tough, a good leader, and threw the ball really well after a bye week to get healthier. He'll have some bad throws, maybe even some sub-par games, but I think he is really on the rise and will continue to do so. If that happens, it contradicts the popular school of thought that this staff can't develop QBs.
This is a very hopeful assessment that I share. Schedule from now on is murder, of course, with Illinois the only team we really match up with - but we can hope the QB improvement and passing game resurrection is ongoing this year and next.

Does that make him average? I guess not. It makes him a little above average.

I would say it makes him fit right in as a big ten quarterback.

the people that rag on Mitch non-stop are like the fans who obsessed over the final 19 seconds of the game....both have some warts, but neither is close to being the biggest issue with the game/team.

The complaints seem to have died down for the time being. :)

I think everyone can admit Leidner was really lucky against Michigan. About three of his five longest completions were off of bad passes, and he is fortunate not to have thrown at least two INTs. And the pass at the end to Woltarsky should have been a TD had it not been underthrown. If you watch that replay, Drew had his guy beat, but has to pull up at about the 5 yard line to wait for it, which resulted in him being short of the end zone. However, his toughness and clutch play are starting to make up for his passing, but I do think overall his passing is improving. I remember about three really nice passes in this game that I've rarely seen from him, ever.

let's see Mitcheroo throws for 59 yds and the team gets a win and you credit Mitcheroo. Mitcheroo throws for 300 and the team loses and you praise Mitcheroo. just set some freakin standards and live by them.

QBs, somewhat unfairly, get credited for wins and losses, probably because it's the most difficult position in sports. My post was talking about production, with some "eye test" factored in. I'm a big Mitch supporter and confident with a little help he can lead the Gophers to a title.

With the Gophers easy schedule next year, if Mitch puts up some gaudy numbers, he will own this city.

Originally Posted by Killjoy
Does that make him average? I guess not. It makes him a little above average.

Actually, no.

It is all a question of mean vs. median. I don't want to go all dpodoll on you (Who I enjoy and find interesting) but what I was referring to was his ranking of 7th out of 14th being in the top half, i.e there are seven players ranked below him and six above him. As far as calculating the true average or mean that would require more work than it is worth. The real reality is that this whole discussion about Mitch really pretty silly.

Actually, no.

I took the average yards thrown of the top 14 quarterbacks in the Big Ten. The average is 1585 yards. Mitch has 1627 yards. So by that measure, he is above average.

The median yards is 1612 yards. So by that measure, too, he is "above the median".

I took the average yards thrown of the top 14 quarterbacks in the Big Ten. The average is 1585 yards. Mitch has 1627 yards. So by that measure, he is above average.

The median yards is 1612 yards. So by that measure, too, he is "above the median".
I guess tommy Chang is the best of all time then

I took the average yards thrown of the top 14 quarterbacks in the Big Ten. The average is 1585 yards. Mitch has 1627 yards. So by that measure, he is above average.

The median yards is 1612 yards. So by that measure, too, he is "above the median".

Thanks for doing the work!

I took the average yards thrown of the top 14 quarterbacks in the Big Ten. The average is 1585 yards. Mitch has 1627 yards. So by that measure, he is above average.

The median yards is 1612 yards. So by that measure, too, he is "above the median".

If total yards is the measure of a quarterback, the best one in the country plays for Bowling Green.

+1 My buddy and I were trying to figure out who was up for Heisman with the Warriors during Thurs. night Football. My first thought was Timmy Chang. We never googled it so we never figured it out. Still great stuff though. My sis and I will always be partial to Mason because our cousin Jimmy Henry played for him. We used to call them "MASONS RENEGADES" Love thiis coaching staff though so if they go with it, more power to them! If Mason has the fire though, he could be a great AD!

If total yards is the measure of a quarterback, the best one in the country plays for Bowling Green.

ok...well by NCAA "passer efficiency rating" he is essentially tied for 9th in the Big Ten with Rudock. Similar positioning with ESPN's ratings.

How many more statistics do people need to see before they see that Leidner is right in the middle of Big Ten Quarterbacks? (which is what I've been arguing all along)

He's definitely a "division 1" quarterback and there are at least 4 starting quarterbacks in the big ten that are worse by any statistical measure.

ok...well by NCAA "passer efficiency rating" he is essentially tied for 9th in the Big Ten with Rudock. Similar positioning with ESPN's ratings.

How many more statistics do people need to see before they see that Leidner is right in the middle of Big Ten Quarterbacks? (which is what I've been arguing all along)

He's definitely a "division 1" quarterback and there are at least 4 starting quarterbacks in the big ten that are worse by any statistical measure.

trying to act like he is a good BCS starting qb....quit praising mediocrity. some of you guys are outta yer trees. he is a donkey at qb.

trying to act like he is a good BCS starting qb....quit praising mediocrity. some of you guys are outta yer trees. he is a donkey at qb.

We say average, you hear good. Whatever.

trying to act like he is a good BCS starting qb....quit praising mediocrity. some of you guys are outta yer trees. he is a donkey at qb.

If I was king of the world, or just running this board, I would ban anyone who trots out the "praising mediocrity" argument.

The Gophers under Kill may not have been great, but they have won some good games and been competitive. That's a heck of a lot better than some recent coaches who shall not be named.

Yet, if I express support for Kill, Claeys, or Leidner, some know-it-all will start screaming that I'm "praising mediocrity."

This program hasn't won a B1G title since 1967. I'm 60 years old and even I barely remember when the Gophers really mattered as a FB program. I would love to see the Gophers run off a string of 10+ win seasons, rack up some big-time bowl game victories, win a Conference title, and maybe even crack into the national playoff picture.

But, until that happens, I will be content to have a program that makes me want to watch the games on Saturday, instead of going out and raking leaves because I know they have no chance to win. If that is "praising mediocrity," so be it.

And, in closing, take your mediocrity and shove it up your (CENSORED)!

I wanted to put my 2 cents in here now that some things have changed in my mind.

Firstly Mitch is the kind of QB that should only start for the University of Minnesota as a senior. A guy that perhaps was a career backup and got a chance to start for ONE season because of his leadership skills and grasp of the system. In this respect is Mitch a Division 1 QB. With that said, we need to raise our expectations of what our starting QB should do for our offense. I have not been impressed with the positional play the whole year, and there needs to be an emphasis on talent and development. If we had a Chandler Harnish level QB this year we would have maybe 1 loss this year, and it wouldn't have been to TCU/Michigan. (We probably could've knocked off the Buckeyes too)

I look forward to Claeys taking control of this team, but I expect progress to be made quickly on the QB front. If that means recruiting a JuCo guy to be a bridge, go for it. I'm not asking for a Heisman level guy, but we can not allow ourselves to be bottlenecked like this at such an important position. This staff has the 2016 season to figure out the way forward for the position. I expect Mitch to start as a 5th year senior, even if I'm not thrilled by the prospect. This staff NEEDS to go out and find a their guy, and they need to keep finding players that can compete at a B1G level every 2-3 years minimum.

Finally, I'm not trying to go full rube on this one, and I wouldn't expect him to be an overnight savior here considering the track record of MN QBs, but go get Seth Green.

trying to act like he is a good BCS starting qb....quit praising mediocrity. some of you guys are outta yer trees. he is a donkey at qb.

Wait, did you just accuse Leidner of mediocrity?? That's got to be the nicest thing you've ever said about him. You must have seen some improvement, which you said would never happen. Wait, you don't think mediocre is a synonym for horrible do you?

His TD pass to Still tonight was an outstanding pass. Especially for a DII TE.

I wanted to put my 2 cents in here now that some things have changed in my mind.

Firstly Mitch is the kind of QB that should only start for the University of Minnesota as a senior. A guy that perhaps was a career backup and got a chance to start for ONE season because of his leadership skills and grasp of the system. In this respect is Mitch a Division 1 QB. With that said, we need to raise our expectations of what our starting QB should do for our offense. I have not been impressed with the positional play the whole year, and there needs to be an emphasis on talent and development. If we had a Chandler Harnish level QB this year we would have maybe 1 loss this year, and it wouldn't have been to TCU/Michigan. (We probably could've knocked off the Buckeyes too)

I look forward to Claeys taking control of this team, but I expect progress to be made quickly on the QB front. If that means recruiting a JuCo guy to be a bridge, go for it. I'm not asking for a Heisman level guy, but we can not allow ourselves to be bottlenecked like this at such an important position. This staff has the 2016 season to figure out the way forward for the position. I expect Mitch to start as a 5th year senior, even if I'm not thrilled by the prospect. This staff NEEDS to go out and find a their guy, and they need to keep finding players that can compete at a B1G level every 2-3 years minimum.

Finally, I'm not trying to go full rube on this one, and I wouldn't expect him to be an overnight savior here considering the track record of MN QBs, but go get Seth Green.

We do need help at tight end

Mitch has played much better the last few weeks. I just can not believe all the injuries this is crazy.

Which alternative explanation for lousy offense, other than QB play, do you choose?

A) Bad receivers.
2) Numerous injuries to offensive linemen.
III) Play selection.
iv) Running backs.

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Mitch has played very well the last three games - much improved. Throwing accurate strikes, nice spirals, making some big plays. He's been lucky with some interceptions dropped, but is moving the offense and scoring. We did much, much better against Michigan and Ohio State than I expected - due to Mitch's play and the good showing of many of the younger players, plus J.K., of course.

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