Official "Mitch Leidner is not a division one QB" thread

Why can't you accept his opinion and the truth? Why be a sa when he only stated his opinion?

Huh? What are you talking about? I don't recall reading or commenting on any of his opinions. Which one is it I'm supposed to accept? And what truth are you talking about? As for being a sa, I've never even been to South America.

I am sure that Mitch is a good kid but good grief he is NOT even a decent D1 QB. I'm sick of hearing about the progress that he has made from the coaches. He is the same terrible QB we thought he was. He still has ZERO pocket presence and is scared to step into a throw. He consistently makes the wrong read and for gods sake he can't throw a spiral. It's too bad that the coaches don't seem to think we have a better option.

Btw,regardless of the playing calling the QB needs to execute the plays that are called! And, it's hard to run when the D is stacking 9 in the box because the QB can't throw.

Side note, just before the start of the second half Kill was talking to Croft on the sidelines. Does anyone know what they were talking about? Wonder if Crof told coach "I'm ready if you need me."

Someone just emailed into Dan Barrerio's show and criticized Kill for not addressing the QB situation sooner, saying, "Had Nelson not had his legal issues, he'd have beaten out Leidner for the job."

Um. No. Dullard.

Of course Dan doesn't correct the mistake, because he has no idea that's wrong on multiple levels.

Yesterday I saw two passes that should've been caught, one to maye and the other to holland. It's hard to play wide receiver when you don't know if the balls going to be thrown on time or accurate. Leidner always looks uncomfortable in the pocket, yesterday he had times where he could've pitched a tent back there but instead he gets all antsy and throws off his back foot. No one who watches gopher football can say they feel comfortable when he drops back to pass, it a journey you never know what you're going to get. I'll give it to him that last drive was pretty nice but id like to see more of that throughout the game, we shouldn't be having thrillers against colorado state. I'm also done seeing streveler come in the games unless they're going to mix in a pass for him, if they're going to just run with him id rather just see smith run the ball. Are o-line has looked shaky at times but its hard to block and get big gains with 8 players in the box, need to do a better job of mixing in the quick passing plays like the wide receiver screen, yes it doesn't always go for a big gain but it helps draw players out of the box. I guess I'm just sick of seeing everyone blaming positions like o-line and the wide receivers does anyone really think leidner has the ability to be good with upgrades at those positions.

Leidner's problems in priority order:

1. Wide Receivers

2. Offensive Line

3. Play Calling

4. Leidner's Accuracy

5. Leidner's Decision Making

End of Story
Agreed but I'd switch one and two. The key with Mitch is getting him in rythem. The first 15-20 plays are scripted. Maybe script four or five quick ones in a row for Mitch to get him going

He completes 4 more passes this game and is at 60%. With 223 yards, no picks and 2 TDs. This thread then doesn't exist. Lighten up, Francis.

Official "Mitch Leidner is not a division one QB" thread

Leidner is a below average Power 5 conference QB. That being said he deserves credit for the final drive and throw to Maye on the go ahead TD against CSU.

He actually has the ability to make just about any throw you can ask a QB to make, he's just very inconsistent.

No he doesn't. His arm is to weak to make many of the throw a true passer can make.

You guys are going on stats. I'm going on the eye test. He misses his targets badly. Sure, no one will be accurate 100% of the time... but they shouldn't miss by a mile. Even on the short passes, he usually misses high. I honestly think he has the tools to be ok, but I think he works himself up too much and has issues with nerves, that's why he's so up and down. That's why I've been saying that I think the Coaches need to help him more by starting him out with easy stuff.

You guys are going on stats. I'm going on the eye test. He misses his targets badly. Sure, no one will be accurate 100% of the time... but they shouldn't miss by a mile. Even on the short passes, he usually misses high. I honestly think he has the tools to be ok, but I think he works himself up too much and has issues with nerves, that's why he's so up and down. That's why I've been saying that I think the Coaches need to help him more by starting him out with easy stuff.

Stats are objective. The eye test is subjective. Whenever it's available, I will take the objective over the subjective every time.

Stats are objective. The eye test is subjective. Whenever it's available, I will take the objective over the subjective every time.

How did the stats look if you exclude bubble screens?

How did the stats look if you exclude bubble screens?

Why stop there. How did his stats look if you exclude all his completions? Terrible, that's how! Good Talk.

Why do you want to exclude certain favorable stats, Doogie? Bubble screens are part of the game of football.

Because every quarterback on the roster can throw the bubble screen. (I assume, if not the coaches are at fault for offering a scholarship).

My bigger concern from yesterday was less the quarterback play and more the fact that we attempted 45 passes actually.

Do you still think that a 36 ACT automatically gets you in to any school in the country?

I'm amused by all the people who say how 'easy' it is to complete passes. Take the average joe, put him at QB, and he would c**p his pants. Take even a decent HS athlete, put him at QB for a D-1 team, and they would be overwhelmed by the speed and intensity of the game.

Is Mitch Leidner a great QB? No. Is he the best current QB on the roster at this time? Yes.

At other positions, the coaches will put in underclassmen ahead of Jrs & Srs if they think the underclassman is the best available player at that position. They did the same thing with Nelson as a Fr. So, I can only conclude that the coaches believe Leidner is the best current option. It's possible that 6 weeks from now, Croft might be more ready to play. But, from what the coaches have said, Croft needs a year in the strength and conditioning program to be more physically ready.

Terrible. How about you?

Pretty much the same. I dont think the coaches or WRs helped him. He is very I don't like when they try to make him take difficult throws early. Also don't like mixing in a terrible wildcat that took him out of what little rhythm he did have.

He attempted 45 passes. If ML attempts 45 passes, that is not a recipe for offensive success.

I wanted to be the first to apologize for critiquing my favorite team in all of sportsdom, because I obviously am wrong in wanting them to be better in key aspects of the game. I should be probably turn in my season tickets of 20+ years which I've bought over other needs of better cars or actually going on a vacation. I should be happy with mediocrity. I'm sorry.
It's possible your family might think it can do better when it comes to choosing a father. If you've let them down to buy tickets, then use that decision to support your right to state your opinions on a fan forum, we may be closer to identifying the most serious problem in the TC. You might actually be a great dad and husband in many key aspects, but that just doesn't cut it when it comes down to overall family quality of life.

It's possible your family might think it can do better when it comes to choosing a father. If you've let them down to buy tickets, then use that decision to support your right to state your opinions on a fan forum, we may be closer to identifying the most serious problem in the TC. You might actually be a great dad and husband in many key aspects, but that just doesn't cut it when it comes down to overall family quality of life.
Seriously? It now comes down to personal attacks on people you don't even know? I forgive you, but I hope you refrain from such actions in the future.

Yesterday I saw two passes that should've been caught, one to maye and the other to holland. It's hard to play wide receiver when you don't know if the balls going to be thrown on time or accurate. Leidner always looks uncomfortable in the pocket, yesterday he had times where he could've pitched a tent back there but instead he gets all antsy and throws off his back foot. No one who watches gopher football can say they feel comfortable when he drops back to pass, it a journey you never know what you're going to get. I'll give it to him that last drive was pretty nice but id like to see more of that throughout the game, we shouldn't be having thrillers against colorado state. I'm also done seeing streveler come in the games unless they're going to mix in a pass for him, if they're going to just run with him id rather just see smith run the ball. Are o-line has looked shaky at times but its hard to block and get big gains with 8 players in the box, need to do a better job of mixing in the quick passing plays like the wide receiver screen, yes it doesn't always go for a big gain but it helps draw players out of the box. I guess I'm just sick of seeing everyone blaming positions like o-line and the wide receivers does anyone really think leidner has the ability to be good with upgrades at those positions.

Only thing i will say is that Woli had no trouble catching balls. Watchign the NFL today and these professional QB's do nto always throw good passes but the WR's catch them? .....kind of makes your argument bunko

OL should have blame thrown its way as last year there were 8-9 in the box and still we ran the ball

I do believe any QB will do better with better OL and WR's. Better OL will provide better runs as well as giving whoever is the QB time for Limey's deep routes to develop. WR's that actually go up and attempt to catch the balls would help. yes the current QB is not A-Rod but if WR's would catch the ones that are there to catch it helps everyone.

I do want you to know I dont think ML7 is the QB that will take this team to where we all want the team to be. I am not sure we have a QB on the squad that can do that with the OC calling the plays as we saw yesterday.

this team has many problems that need fixing before the Northwestern or it is going to be a terrible year. if you don't think Northwestern hasn't had our game circled since last year then we are in for a heck of a game

Seriously? It now comes down to personal attacks on people you don't even know? I forgive you, but I hope you refrain from such actions in the future.
Sorry, I should have made it clear my post was sarcasm. Of course fan opinions about the football program are way more significant than decisions that affect us in our personal lives. (more sarcasm). Actually, my point, if I spelled it out more simply is that many of the arm-waving, sky-is-falling opinions today are based on limited information by people who don't coach football for a living. Even the detractors admit Mitch was really good in the last TD drive. It's a W at the end of the day, on the road, at a difficult place to play, against a team that was selling out for it's biggest game of the year.

On a serious note, cut your beer budget for a month and use the money to buy your family something nice.

Official "Mitch Leidner is not a division one QB" thread


Some of our OL problems exist because defenses aren't afraid of getting burned in the passing game. Teams stack the box to defend the run and then bring the house at our QB because they aren't afraid of the ramifications.

As far as the two passes. . . I agree with one of them. Holland should have caught that pass. The Maye one? He was absolutely assaulted by the defender and the pass was awful.

Mitch REALLY struggled yesterday. His decision-making was scary bad (including the run game). He looked timid, leaning back on every throw and he was incredibly inaccurate. His performance was unacceptable and I'm sure he'd be the first to admit it.

You can't blame the coaches. They tried everything. They tried throwing on early downs, they tried moving him out of the pocket, they tried swing-type passes.

I don't think you can blame the OL. Considering the circumstances, I thought Mitch had time.

Wolitarsky had a great day catching balls thrown his way. This tells me that at least one aspect of the offense works. Now, the other receivers, especially Holland, need to catch the ball. Some players focus on the ball and have no problem catching anything thrown their way. Others need that reliable looking ball thrown their way, something they need confidence in catching. If it wobbles, that is a less catchable ball. If it has a higher arc, it is a less catchable ball. If you have to adjust the route to the ball, it is less catchable. To say that Leidner was throwing catchable balls is not a true statement or they would have been caught. The simple matter is the receiver's deserve a better chance at catching the balls. Perra or Croft already have more developed arms than when Leidner first started. They deserve a chance to develop in position from now on by playing in the game. I don't find it walking backward when they have been around long enough to know the playbook. Some players just never get nervous. Leidner is not one of those guys. He gets nervous. Fear is the biggest distraction a QB can have and is the one position where confidence is almost a better quality than ability. Don't rip that comment because I don't intend it to be universal in all situations. Just limited to the mindset of throwing the ball.

the pass to Holland was a perfect spiral right to his hands

Leidner seems to have trouble holding on to the ball. Two fumbles yesterday. The one on the Ram 18 was bad.
This is another issue that has to be addressed.

Do you still think that a 36 ACT automatically gets you in to any school in the country?

I never said that. Stop making things up. I'm certain that schools like Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, etc. turn away 36 ACTs on occasion. Notre Dame isn't even close to the caliber of those schools. Whoever told you that Notre Dame is turning away 36s (probably the voices in your head) doesn't know what they're talking about.

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