I live there, hence the name and if you go by actual FBI Crime Statistics ( which compare them on a per capita basis), you would see it has a far lower murder rate than Mpls historically and it routinely ranks as one of the safest big cities in the country.
It features bi-weekly trash pickup and is by no means Filthy for a place with nine million inhabitants.
It pretty easy to guess where you get your info from and I find it hilarious when someone like you weighs in with opinions and presents them as facts, when they are simply opinions, not based on any observational or hard data.
Here’s a sample of data (educate yourself or don’t champ. There has been an uptick which many analysts feel us related to the COVID), however, it is still safer than it was at its apex). FYI - Gov. Patterson who comments in the article is legally blind.
According to NYPD crime stat data, in 1990 there was a total of 527,257 crime complaints.
Lastly, you don’t ever have to visit, as you won’t be missed.