sit Epping, FOREVER!! HE'S TERRIBLE!! whoever said this kid is good is lacking the most novice football intelligence, and now he's a reliability. and to top it off, he's a sconnie, no wonder!
Yeah...that would be "liability."

I also think we have a bunch of commentors who are out of control about Epping. Yes, he has *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ed up, but let's not us become RR dirtballs.

Unfortunately our D stands no chance unless we can force some TOs...

I'm pretty sure on that last penalty, his mindset was, "We're toast anyway, might as well tack on one more."

This is no gimme field goal. A miss and we have a chance to score before half.

Is it just me or is their left tackle lined up in the backfield on passing plays.

Wow! Need to punch one in before half now.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the locker room at half time.

We'll bench Epping when TT benches their players and not before...that would be stupid

Stupid coaching decision. It worked. But it's still stupid.

I have never seen more bobble and catches by a single team in a game.

I dont know where I heard this, but Darren Moore is six foot four. Just thought you all should know that.

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