Awesome Kill. Way to prepare them for this game. This is why you want cupcakes four games a year, so we can get four wins a year.

Welp... any confidence, any Big 10 momentum, anymore ESPN talk about "that Gophers Defense" is gone...

Glad our team decided to show up this week. "Same old Gophers" will be ringing on the airwaves this week.

Oh....I think it may be time to go outside and do something productive.

Urban Meyer or Tony Dungy could coach us. We'd still be losers. I'm glad my ticket for this game fell through.

That prediction was before the one play TD drive. New prediction Iowa 70 - Minnesota 0


Our kick-off returns have been horrible all year... Didn't expect to get clobbered today!

Tough to win when at least ten guys have made boneheaded plays already. From Henry to Stood. Max looks bad-real bad. Almost as bad as that 3 and 4 call for Max to run.

Hey guys, all we need to do is a complete 180 in the next two minutes to be back in it.

Slam goes the door as the Bandwaggoners leave the room.

Same old Gopher. I hate that but that's what we are right now anyway.. The coaches and the team have rolled up in a fetal postion. Everyone was quick to forget Gray is this teams only playmaker.

I might need to go get some whiskey at half time to make it through this one.

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