1-4 with 2 turnovers in last 4 minutes

My wife is of the strong opinion that Gabe's problem this whole time has been his "gay white headband."
So if anyone wears a white headband they are considered gay? That's a new one for me. Where did your wife learn that one?

Purdue moving the ball well and we are settling for jump shots.

In his case, Les is not more

Don't lose faith just yet.
I've seen this movie too many times. Both this season and at Mackey Arena. There's a reason we've won there twice this century.

Why does Robbins not realize that as a 7 footer you dont put the ball down when in the paint?!?!?!

At least hitting Purdue on the ML +240 makes up for missing out on Gamestop.

20-6 first eight minutes. Fifth straight road game with just an absolute fucking travesty of a second half start. Not once, not twice. Every single goddam road game. FU Pitino. This is clearly on you.

Robbins is really struggling. Gach looks terrible.

Let's see if Richard can coach his kids out of this mess they have created.

Dribble U. He had been watching Carr.

This is unwatchable. So why am I still watching?

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