That shot of Nia Coffey was pure gold.

"That's my brother!"

Amazing what happens when Reggie stays on the court.

Is murphy the worst free throw shooter in the pitino era?

There was a non-conference game @ The Barn where they called Amir Nia the entire first half. Good times!

Well they got the 5 on the floor I feel the best with to finish this game. With McBrayer on the bench.

Is it just me or is it since the 5:00 mark, we have tried to take the air out of the ball, which has lead to lazy passes?

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Sloppy play by lynch

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Need some big plays by Nate

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Well they got the 5 on the floor I feel the best with to finish this game. With McBrayer on the bench.

Lynch can not complete the 3' pass. Run some offense and make your FT's ! We are brutal from the line and it will cost us games as the season progresses.

This has all the making of a Gopher choke. Hope I'm wrong.

Northwestern has gone cold so that is helping.

We slowed things way down instead of just continuing to do what was working

Totally correct. Time for Nate to step up and close this out. He needs to be the primary ballhandler from here out

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