Some of this 3rd offense play calls are absolutely ridiculous.

Not even attempting to get a first down. Just hoping to somehow break a tackle and get enough yards.

It is all too predictable with this pathetic OLine.

I wonder what the "offense" would look like with a true dual-threat quarterback. It looks like they want to run the read-option but Brosmer is absolutely no threat to keep it. I don't think Lindsey is that kind of QB either....

How many 3rd and long pass plays for less than 3 yards today?😠

Greg Harbaugh, thank God he's our OC instead of Matt Simon.
Greg is absolutely lightning in a bottle...................

If we are still in the Michigan game at halftime, how about we come out ready from the get-go to play a tough and creative 2nd half. It’s not just rah-rah stuff; it’s about a game plan and adjustments.

PJ’s slow, plodding first quarter offensive starts are a thing of legend, but generally not fatal. PJ’s corresponding tendency to start the second half slow and plodding, while our opponents burst out of the gate in high gear, executing a revised game plan, has actually proved fatal in many recent games. If failure is the predicate of future success, it’s about time the Gopher coaches coach, and the players execute, a successful 2nd half game plan.

Go Gophers. Please bring the jug back to our empty trophy case.
Let’s hope Harbaugh throws no more horizontal passes the rest of the game. Throw vertical and play to win.

Special teams coach deserves a bonus for the 2 second drill.

I could use the Little Brown Jug right now, since I am currently without water service and have resorted to pooping in a bucket and dumping it in the sea.

This Gophers pass defense is wasted on what will probably be a 4-6 win team. It's very very good.

If you want to predict upsets the rest of the way look for teams that like to pass. USC is a start.

Gus Johnsin asking what kind of play that was? LOL on that counter. I'm almost in tears I'm laughing so hard.

If LBs were supposed to run themselves out of a play, Lindenberg would be an All American.

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