A bad match-up for us tonight. With us having no true 3 point shooters to score outside of the paint, their length just wore us down. This was a night where we needed some gunners.

A bad match-up for us tonight. With us having no true 3 point shooters to score outside of the paint, their length just wore us down. This was a night where we needed some gunners.

Yeah. This was a bad match-up. No worries, we'll see them again in the 2017 challenge. And 2018. And 2020.

It also helps Florida State can go 10-12 deep (like the announcers have pointed out 12 times tonight).

Rebounds fairly even since about the 8 min mark first, that's something

How many FT's have we missed tonight? 13. How much are we down by? 13. MAKE YOUR FT'S!!

Florida State looks like they could be legit this year. This is always a team that under performs, but when they are on they could be scary. Unfortunately for the Gophers we learned how crucial Coffey and Lynch are to this team. Murph has had a tough game tonight, his inability to pass the ball is going to hurt

Yeah. This was a bad match-up. No worries, we'll see them again in the 2017 challenge. And 2018. And 2020.

We should redshirt Konate next year in preparation for the 2018 FSU match up.

Nice 10-0 run Scoring last. For this night, I like BrewBall.

Being a gopher sports fan is depressing at times. Excited to watch the games before they start and when the nights over you wondered why you wasted your time.

Hey Selection Committee: this was a very close game that we barely lost. I promise.

Well at least the final score is going to look more respectable.

Is it me, the lack of crowd, or has Florida State just looked really careless/Lazy to close this out? Might be why they blew an 18 point second half lead to Temple

Being a gopher sports fan is depressing at times. Excited to watch the games before they start and when the nights over you wondered why you wasted your time.
I think you'd enjoy the games more if you stopped posting.

Being a gopher sports fan is depressing at times. Excited to watch the games before they start and when the nights over you wondered why you wasted your time.

Come on now! It's not that bad. :)

I seriously think last years team would have lost this by 20.

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While the loss is painful, I still see a very athletic team that will learn from this game.

Hit the point spread exactly. Would have been a nice win, but the match up wasn't one that favored us.

How much did we lose by, 8. How many FT's did we miss? 14. You can't make this stuff up! Guys need to make there FT's and we win the game, probably...

I think this team is going to be ok this year. Not great, sometimes really good and sometimes like tonight disappointing, but I like the future of this team. Definely has to fill some needs, but I still look forwards to their future.

Please Pitino; get 3 set plays from your dad that you can use as soon as things get out of hand.

Way to go Konate!!! 7 points -- 6 rebounds -- 1 steal -- 1 block -- 1 turnover.

Should have brought Coffey back earlier. Gilbert and Sharp aren't going to cut it against better teams. They play hard, just over matched.

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Rough game for us, but going against ridiculous size and great depth, having a zillion fouls called, and Coffey sidelined most of the game, I am pretty hopeful this game is an outlier. Disappointing to see the negative nellies apparently watching their first Gopher basketball game of the season tonight.

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