I don't know of anyone whose stock has dropped as much as QB Morgan this year. Some were saying he was a potential first rounder before this year started - right now his drop is much the same as Leidner's was his senior year.....maybe even moreso. He just does not look the same as he did last year.
It really is a head-scratcher. Is it the loss of TJ? The pressure he faced early in those first two games? New defensive looks getting thrown at him? Slightly modified offense after KC left? Sanford? He looks like a shell of himself. Inaccurate (when accuracy was his hallmark) and hesitant.

I've been one play from turning this game off since the first quarter. We downgraded so badly at the OC position it is almost unreal. The officiating has been brutal but it doesn't even compare to putrid product the Gophers are putting on the field.

The future of this program looks very, very bleak right now. We've looked completely unprepared in every game so far and this game has been the new rock bottom. We were fortunate Illinois was down to their 4th string QB or this would be a winless season.
PJ is not a good coach...Good recruiter, motivational speaker, yes...But he has no idea how to formulate a successful gameplan and then make adjustments in-game.

Whoever QB #2 is, he’d have a chance to play better if he would have gotten snaps against Illinois. That tells tell we are living or dying with Tanner.
As I said this summer when you have an OC messing with the mechanics of a rising QB that’s a huge red flag about his ego. We needed Simon to carry on.
Offense exposed today.

Obviously been said a million times over. But I'll throw my chip into the same jar that I'm sure many, many Gopher fans have thrown already:

- offense is putrid

Mo has had some good plays, but as I feared a lot of times we keep running the ball into a wall of black & yellow.

Our passing game is broken. Morgan will only look at and throw Bateman the ball! That's a recipe for failure.

- refs are awful, but that was a targeting if MSM's was a targeting. Awful non-call.

If we want any chance at this game, we have to throw the ball to other people. I said it earlier today, and it's true.

If we could just get some damn life on offense, I think the defense will respond.

Come on Sanford and Morgan, DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!

Most disappointing situation is how bad our WR are at getting open. Hard to understand.
Hard to get open when the offense is so predictable. DB’s seem to to know exactly what routes we’re running

Does Morgan have arm issues? At least that would be an explanation for his regression. Give him the first series of 2nd half, and if his poor play continues time to make a change for rest of game.

It really is a head-scratcher. Is it the loss of TJ? The pressure he faced early in those first two games? New defensive looks getting thrown at him? Slightly modified offense after KC left? Sanford? He looks like a shell of himself. Inaccurate (when accuracy was his hallmark) and hesitant.

Tanner has been getting decent protection lately, including this game. I think part of it is the new OC, part of it is the loss of TJ and the fact that the receivers haven't been getting loose as much, and part of it is Tanner himself.

If Minnesota is going to completely throw off my weekend by playing on Friday, and then play an awful, awful game against a rival, the least they could do is stop with the stupid check with me BS.

It makes the game like 2x longer just to watch incompletion after incompletion.

As tough as the first half was It’s only 14-0. Let’s see if we can turn this around in the second half!

Yes, it is. Hoping a star emerges tonight with this opportunity. Also hoping I win the lottery...

#55 actually made a tackle for a loss in the first quarter, and #8 Rush tipped a pass, but they both are awful, and I hope some younger player gets a chance in the second half, which cannot be much more miserable than the first half.

Most disappointing situation is how bad our WR are at getting open. Hard to understand.
I'd love to see the 11-11 tape because it certainly seems to be the case. Thus the reason Tanner is just zoning in on Bateman every play. And almost every one of CAB's catches are contested.

New half. New outlook. Let’s go Gophers!

Everyone should take solace in the fact that even though it's likely that we lose this game.....we don't have to go back to Iowa.

This team looks lost. It's hard to watch.

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