Well how about that for a start of the second half.

Morgan Sanford combo looking highly questionable

This is about as crappy as I've seen the Gophers look and only be down 2 TD
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Well how about that for a start of the second half.

Yes, I didn't think we'd start the second half with our worst offensive start yet. I will say that the defense has played better than expected this game. They've actually stopped Iowa on the majority of their possessions.

Howard got beat, underthrown ball hits him in the head, he falls and gets to his butt to make the incomplete sign.
OK, then.

Sanford’s title is “Offensive Coordinator” and his salary is $625k.
Simon’s title is “Co-Offensive Coordinator” and his salary is $380k.

I think @howeda7 would like to can Sanford and give his title (and maybe salary) to Simon.
Yes. Think of the savings Mark! Richard Pitino can get medium grade gas in his rental car!

We seriously don't have another receiver to use in 4 receivers sets other than BSF? No chance he gets open in space.

I'm shocked at our lack of depth at so many positions.

Obviously been said a million times over. But I'll throw my chip into the same jar that I'm sure many, many Gopher fans have thrown already:

- offense is putrid

Mo has had some good plays, but as I feared a lot of times we keep running the ball into a wall of black & yellow.

Our passing game is broken. Morgan will only look at and throw Bateman the ball! That's a recipe for failure.

- refs are awful, but that was a targeting if MSM's was a targeting. Awful non-call.

If we want any chance at this game, we have to throw the ball to other people. I said it earlier today, and it's true.

If we could just get some damn life on offense, I think the defense will respond.

Come on Sanford and Morgan, DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!

I did not like the call on MSM 55, but he did make it easy on the official, as the player being hit was already near the ground, and it looked bad with the helmet leading.

The Iowa player closed on the ball and the helmet was not a factor, in fact it was perfect targeting era hit.

Everybody else blocks punts .... be nice to see us bring the rush there.

Here is the conundrum:

- when we run the ball, somehow Iowa knows and they crush us, wall of black & yelloe
- when we pass the ball, somehow Iowa knows and they’re covering everything and frustrating the hell out of Morgan.

Sanford is failing us. Badly

Simon should have been the OC after the bowl game. Fleck made the wrong move. Just as he did when he hired Robb Smith.

Time to let Simon call the offense.

So you don't think he was correct about that not being the emphasis of that rule or the correct application of the rule.
How many other coaches have gotten two 15 yard penalties called on them in the last calendar year?

Why is Iowa calling passing plays if I were them I would run on every single down

Honestly....they could put the game away with one long pass TD. And Marsette had a good step and a half on Howard.....

If Minnesota is going to completely throw off my weekend by playing on Friday, and then play an awful, awful game against a rival, the least they could do is stop with the stupid check with me BS.

It makes the game like 2x longer just to watch incompletion after incompletion.
agree the check with me twist is annoying

My god the announcers have given up on us. “Good run by Mo to give there punter more room”

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