They aren't trusting Tanner to throw 15 yards downfield, or Tanner is too nervous.

He isn't settled and seems uneasy.

Don't know what happened to Tanner, but he's not the same right now.
Agree, he has looked shaky all year. Not even closed to that poised player from last year.

I didn't see an angle that showed that he didn't hit him right in the side of the head?
In today’s game of football he hit CAB the only way he could without getting flagged. He used his arms and chest to initiate contact. Any head contact was incidental. I would have liked the call to stand but they made the right call in over turning it.

Grimm and Thompson are at a loss. These refs are awful. They’re ball spots are off constantly. WTF this season.
I am looking for entertainment. The w and l count this year isn't consequential. It's 2020.

I don't know of anyone whose stock has dropped as much as QB Morgan this year. Some were saying he was a potential first rounder before this year started - right now his drop is much the same as Leidner's was his senior year.....maybe even moreso. He just does not look the same as he did last year.

After watching that half of football, that probably dispels any thoughts that Morgan has the arm strength to play in the NFL.
Who ever thought so? No one who has watched him more than a few times.

Do we change quarterback? Got to a consideration. If there's someone who is remotely competent i would make the change.

Need to totally change the approach in the second half. We are badly outmanned. Don’t play conventional football or it’s a certain loss.

We have just seen the 2020 Golden Gopher football season succinctly summarized.

This is apparently a scrimmage with Coralville public rec regs who are in well over their heads. Unfortunately in the record books. It will show as a sucky performance by a underperforming Gophers squad.

which is also too true for words.

After watching that half of football, that probably dispels any thoughts that Morgan has the arm strength to play in the NFL.

Before the season I was afraid Tanner might leave after this season. At least I don't have to worry about that anymore.

I've been one play from turning this game off since the first quarter. We downgraded so badly at the OC position it is almost unreal. The officiating has been brutal but it doesn't even compare to putrid product the Gophers are putting on the field.

The future of this program looks very, very bleak right now. We've looked completely unprepared in every game so far and this game has been the new rock bottom. We were fortunate Illinois was down to their 4th string QB or this would be a winless season.

Forget this game for a second and consider The Game of Football, which I assume we all love. What has become of this game when MSM is told he cannot play anymore because of that basic football defensive play?! It's beyond absurd and ridiculous. How 'bout everyone stop being complete candy-a** babies and reclaim the Great American Game of Football!?

I know it's nuts to bench Tanner after his season last year, but he is currently 6/17 for 57. 3.4 yards per attempt.

In today’s game of football he hit CAB the only way he could without getting flagged. He used his arms and chest to initiate contact. Any head contact was incidental. I would have liked the call to stand but they made the right call in over turning it.
didn't man also have hand and arm contact first?

I don't know of anyone whose stock has dropped as much as QB Morgan this year. Some were saying he was a potential first rounder before this year started - right now his drop is much the same as Leidner's was his senior year.....maybe even moreso. He just does not look the same as he did last year.

Well, Leidner didn't have as far to drop. Tanner certainly hasn't been as sharp this year but I still have faith in him.

Morgan just has such a tough time improvising. He looks like he's either a 1 read, sometimes 2 read, and then run. As soon as he faces pressure he just tucks it. He's not a great athlete relative to other college quarterbacks. I just think Ciarocca did a really good job with our offense last year. Looks like they're still trying to figure it out this year.

Most disappointing situation is how bad our WR are at getting open. Hard to understand.

I've been one play from turning this game off since the first quarter. We downgraded so badly at the OC position it is almost unreal. The officiating has been brutal but it doesn't even compare to putrid product the Gophers are putting on the field.

The future of this program looks very, very bleak right now. We've looked completely unprepared in every game so far and this game has been the new rock bottom. We were fortunate Illinois was down to their 4th string QB or this would be a winless season.

The offense is a big step back and it shouldn't be since the O-line has been decent. It was never phenomenal last year, so it's not like it's a step back.

Tanner is out of sync. Has been all season so far.

The future of the program however is not bleak.

The process is good. Good recruits coming in, and usually good coaching. The results aren't there so far, but the process is still good. The process only becomes bad at the point you don't continue to try to improve things.

This transition to a new OC sure sucks. This offense, with 9 returning starters, looks absolutely nothing like last year’s. I really don’t think Sanford knows how to set up plays or develop any sort of rhythm. It’s sad after what we witnessed last year. Can only hope the team gets better as the year goes on.

I know. But I believe Sanford is in charge. He's been awful so far.
Sanford isn't heaving up those terrible passes... The biggest difference is that Morgan was heaving up those same passes last year, but the amazing receivers were making spectacular receptions. Bateman is trying this season, but the other receivers aren't able to make Morgan look great this year.

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