Sam Schlueter has been brutal....absolutely brutal

Schleuter got beat like a rented mule on that play.

Do you think it is time for PJ Fleck to give Tanner Morgan a rest against Iowa? He is not playing as 2019 confident TM. For his benefit and the good of the team, rest him against Iowa and even against Indiana. Get him ready for Wisconsin.
He needs to be confident Tanner again.

Their punter just rowed the boat and mimicked breaking the oar over his knee.

can we pull a Nancy Kerrigan on him or is that too much?

Fitting ending. At least we know they won't score again.

We run the ball becuase we can’t pass block and we have an average immobile qb.

We got beat like a red-headed step child.

Where was he throwing to? He was staring that area down the whole time. Big changes needed.

Sam Schlueter is the worst fucking LT I have ever seen.
He's been trash for 3 years and like Mike Sanford, he keeps
getting chances to fuck up a little more every game.

If there are no changes I will be very disappointed in PJ.

9 TFL, 6 Sacks....that is the game right there.

As stated at halftime, your choice is to replace your QB who was obviously not able to play satisfactorily today, or lose. Fleck and company, for whatever reason, chose LOSE. I don’t understand it.

As was said before after the first quarter, the D locked it down and played well but the O was so bad today they would have lost to BG again!

My only hope is they go on a tear again, similar to the BG loss.

Remember all that time we wasted arguing if Iowa or Wisc should win???

Hahahaha. Figures.

Minnesota. …. Hat is firmly ON.

You’ve just gotta change the OC and I think that could only be positive

I think the prognosticators picked the Gophers to be 5th in the B1G West. They sure played like it today.

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