These guys know they are making Gardner look like Aaron Rodgers right?

don't know what game you are watching. i would say his TEs and WR are making him look good. only 1 of his last 5 passes have been "on target" passes

don't know what game you are watching. i would say his TEs and WR are making him look good. only 1 of his last 5 passes have been "on target" passes

A catch is a catch. This guy leads the FBS in turnovers. He is completing 90% of his passes. What's wrong with that?

don't know what game you are watching. i would say his TEs and WR are making him look good. only 1 of his last 5 passes have been "on target" passes

Nope, absolutely untrue, as we've been told tim and time again around here we have NO receivers who can catch..

Repeat of my previous post. Gardner is being completely bailed out by his receivers today.

Does Shede ever make a play against the pass: batted ball, hurry, knockdown, sack...etc?

I thought our defense would keep us in games this year? Somebody make a freaking play!

Repeat of my previous post. Gardner is being completely bailed out by his receivers today.

Helps that he's getting all day to get those throws off.

F*%R*%&R(^RF(%F(%& ing 3 Man Rush again.

Our d is a joke. Looks like another game we score only 13 points. Great improvement from last year.

correct me if i'm wrong, not one single pass to a WR by the Gophers. not even an attempt. tell me, how do we get stuck with such abnormalities? what did we do to deserve such a defective program? this is unheard of. seriously, have you ever seen anything like this anywhere?

Game over. We couldn't put up the same fight that UCONN and and Akron out up.

Limegrover and Claeys coach football like it's horseshoes; if we stay close we win. I don't know what Claeys has seen from the three man rush that gives him any indication that it's a good idea to run it. Again this week, I think our coaching is leading us into the toilet; super disappointing.

Yeah that FG really helped. They have folded on D. Only positive of the game is that Leidner should be Qb(when healthy) the rest of his career.

So much for working on the fundamentals that caused our loss to Iowa. We just look pathetic on defense.

Our DE's don't even need to be blocked. They take themselves out of the play.

Good gosh, this stinks....:(

Our defense is having a tough day.

Why do we even have wr's line up? We don't use them. Just put in extra lineman for the run.

correct me if i'm wrong, not one single pass to a WR by the Gophers. not even an attempt. tell me, how do we get stuck with such abnormalities? what did we do to deserve such a defective program? this is unheard of. seriously, have you ever seen anything like this anywhere?

Wolitarsky caught 1 pass in first half.

It's crazy that Akron & UConn put up a better fight then us... it really is...

What's there left to say? We're not good enough talent-wise for Big Ten play, and we're not good enough scheme-wise to make up the talent gap. But at least we have those 4 meaningless wins to start the season to keep us warm at night.

The stadium is going to less than half full by the end of the season. No one is going to pay money to watch this horse crap offense and d.

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