And when would he have found this someone else? Dumb post. Kill thinks our chances of doing something wrong there is greater then doing something good. We still have 2Qs. Trust in Kill - he knows better than you.

And you have the audacity to call the other post dumb...

If you're the coach and have the mindset that your chance of doing something stupid is greater then doing something good, well then you have little faith in your offense. You don't build trust with that mindset.

Leidner was 11-12 and our coach still has zero confidence in the passing game. Makes sense.

If Kill loses this one, he will be 0 - 3 in Bowl Games. Not good. We could have tried to get the ball to the 40 and have Santoso try a long field goal with no time left. But nope... He is too scared to make a mistake. Why even play the game? Why even travel to Florida? Why not just have all the players and coaches stay at home, it's safer that way.

Also, as you can see from the short passing game... the coaches just never felt comfortable to use it all year. Maybe it wasn't all on Leidner, maybe the coaches just never knew how to use him?

The coaches better make good adjustments, obviously Missouri coaches made adjustments after the first quarter. They stopped relying on the pass and started running our type of plays, and they've been moving the ball ever since.

Baylor was up 10 points with 13 seconds to go on their own 30 yard line and still throwing up bombs against MSU's defense for a chance to put more points on the board. We're not asking Kill to do that but c'mon give your kids the opportunity.

I could go with that reasoning prior to the play by Maxx but after he got the 1st down with close to a minute on the clock and 3 timeouts there is no reason not to try and move into field goal range there. Way too conservative considering you are down 3.

I *TRUST* Kill... if he, AS HEAD COACH OF MINNESOTA, feels we don't have the proper weapons, sets, confidence, etc, to realistically score there, why risk a TO??? Why??? He has CONFIDENCE enough in his team that it's not worth it...

Kill said it best just now... "I didn't want to do anything stupid."

We come out & win the game & everybody forgets this moment... but had something very Gopherlike given OUR HISTORY had happened right there it would've been the same usual "here we go again" & "Kill is stupid we don't have the offense for that!" & "we're cursed"... so WHY RISK IT???

All I've done is trust Kill since he's been here & all he's done is got us better & before the game ESPN stated he said we are 2 years away from where he'd like our Passing Game to be... that's REAL... look how good we are WITHOUT IT... he knows what he's doing...

I trust Kill & Co... I don't know about the rest of you...

You guys can be mad at Kill all you want. He sees in our passing attack the same thing those of us without blinders see in our passing attack.

Alvarez just went for it on 4 th down in Wisconsin territory and ran for a TD. Has balls.

And when would he have found this someone else? Dumb post. Kill thinks our chances of doing something wrong there is greater then doing something good. We still have 2Qs. Trust in Kill - he knows better than you.

You know next to nothing about football.

Kill is so smart guys. He's won so many bowl games. He knows how to get the W in winner take all games.

Announcers were right - way too conservative (shades of Mason near halftime). The offense drives to score - all the time, every point you can get. This was a no-confidence vote on Leidner's passing on a day when he's actually doing pretty well.

Baylor was up 10 points with 13 seconds to go on their own 30 yard line and still throwing up bombs against MSU's defense for a chance to put more points on the board. We're not asking Kill to do that but c'mon give your kids the opportunity.

You're really comparing our Passing Game to Baylor's? They put up 24 points against the "Best Defense" in the Big Ten... they can afford to make a mistake there & come out still up 3... not down 10 which is what we could've been facing...

You guys can be mad at Kill all you want. He sees in our passing attack the same thing those of us without blinders see in our passing attack.

The point is, if you throw it downfield with 20 seconds left there is a better than even chance of a completion or pass interference penalty. If it's intercepted they have to drive 30-40 yards for a long field goal attempt with only 12-13 seconds on the clock.

I *TRUST* Kill... if he, AS HEAD COACH OF MINNESOTA, feels we don't have the proper weapons, sets, confidence, etc, to realistically score there, why risk a TO??? Why??? He has CONFIDENCE enough in his team that it's not worth it...

Kill said it best just now... "I didn't want to do anything stupid."

We come out & win the game & everybody forgets this moment... but had something very Gopherlike given OUR HISTORY had happened right there it would've been the same usual "here we go again" & "Kill is stupid we don't have the offense for that!" & "we're cursed"... so WHY RISK IT???

All I've done is trust Kill since he's been here & all he's done is got us better & before the game ESPN stated he said we are 2 years away from where he'd like our Passing Game to be... that's REAL... look how good we are WITHOUT IT... he knows what he's doing...

I trust Kill & Co... I don't know about the rest of you...
No one said they don't trust kill, settle down. Just doesn't make sense to us fans or announcers. Run the clock down, then pass the ball with 10 seconds left? Why?? What's the worst that happens if we throw a deep ball? Probably a Mizzou pick and they take over inside the 30. You have to play to win, not to avoid losing.

Announcers were right - way too conservative (shades of Mason near halftime). The offense drives to score - all the time, every point you can get. This was a no-confidence vote on Leidner's passing on a day when he's actually doing pretty well.

So after 2 years of constant complaining on Gopher hole about Mitch Leidner... we're upset Kill didn't risk going for a TD/TO in a meaningless possession in a very much winnable game by putting it in the hands of... Mitch Leidner?

I don't know man sometimes Gopherhole is like Bizarro world... :cry:

Seriously guys, stop second guessing Kill. He knows how to win Bowl games.

I love Kill. But that was f****** stupid. One minute and three time outs, 30 yards for FG range. Play to win the game. If we lose this game by three, I'm putting it squarely on Kill for being a eunuch. The team should be furious with him right now.
Since you started spouting off on GH you have demonstrated your love...for yourself. With each post you add to your reputation and sealed it for me with this post. Have you been paying attention to this program the last few years? JK and his staff don't do things your way. I'm glad he's in charge, not a reckless know-it-all that doesn't seem to have a clue.

the real issue so far in the game is 1. cobb looks off and 2. the tigers gashing the gophers up the middle in the second quarter.

playing it safe at the end of the half means nothing. make some adjustments on the run defense and get cobb going and the gophers have this game easy.

You're really comparing our Passing Game to Baylor's? They put up 24 points against the "Best Defense" in the Big Ten... they can afford to make a mistake there & come out still up 3... not down 10 which is what we could've been facing...

If you would have read my quote I didn't say for Kill to ask Leidner to throw bombs from their own 30, but trying a couple 7-10 yard routes from their own 40 was an option Kill should have explored.

They were willing to fake punt deep in their territory on 4th down, we weren't willing to try to go for 40 yards with a whole minute and 3 time outs left... If we lose, coaching will be the reason why.

You're really comparing our Passing Game to Baylor's? They put up 24 points against the "Best Defense" in the Big Ten... they can afford to make a mistake there & come out still up 3... not down 10 which is what we could've been facing...

That was just poor clock management and undermined the kids confidence IMO....if they lose by three it's on kill and staff. Those kids wanted to move.....pretty bad

If you would have read my quote I didn't say for Kill to ask Leidner to throw bombs from their own 30, but trying a couple 7-10 yard routes from their own 40 was an option Kill should have explored.

Up 10 while dominating is in no way shape or form comparable to Down 3 with the momentum shifted...

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