You know next to nothing about football.

And you know nothing. So I know more.

The same folks who hate ML7 want us to pass more. The same folks that hate our WRs want us to throw down field more. All I am saying is that I trust Kill. If he thinks our chances of winning the game is better by sitting on it at the end of the 2Q then I am OK with that.

So after 2 years of constant complaining on Gopher hole about Mitch Leidner... we're upset Kill didn't risk going for a TD/TO in a meaningless possession in a very much winnable game by putting it in the hands of... Mitch Leidner?

I don't know man sometimes Gopherhole is like Bizarro world... :cry:
Perfect synopsis.

Damnit all. Plan didn't work Jerry!!!!

Well its a good thing we started the half with the ball ?

See that? Missouri is willing to lay it all out on the line... us? Let's play it safe. Terrible!

I think most fans can accept turnovers and mistakes, rolling over is unacceptable to most.

Point is, he's looked sharp and hasn't made mistakes...

Hard to make mistakes when you're throwing inside of 10 yards. There's a reason Leidner isn't trusted past that come on man be realistic...

How's that getting the ball back at halftime working out now?

What was that about "we get the ball back in the second half"?

Good thing we held off to get the ball back......

And you know nothing. So I know more.

The same folks who hate ML7 want us to pass more. The same folks that hate our WRs want us to throw down field more. All I am saying is that I trust Kill. If he thinks our chances of winning the game is better by sitting on it at the end of the 2Q then I am OK with that.
You are among the select few who seem to get it.

About to get stupid. Missouri has ALL the momentum. All of it.

Yep, there it is. Game. Great job Kill. Totally out coached. That was the difference. Fake punt and onside kick.

We could have gotten the momentum back at the end of the half. Instead we get this.

How does everybody feel about the end of the first half now? ...


i agree, playing it safe was stupid.:cry:

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