What the hell was that!!!!! Absolutely terrible clock management. Come on Jerry, no excuse for playing that conservative.

Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too damn conservative once again. I hate it, I hate it.

I don't blame Kill right there... we've shown we can compete & dominate Mizz at times. No need to do something Mason-Brewsteresque...

That's a piss poor excuse by Kill...because we get the ball at the start of the second half. Heaven forbid you'd try to have two scoring chances.

Be unhappy with how we played the end there - but don't be surprised. That is what Kill has always done.

And...terrible 2 minute drill again. I cannot believe they can't take some shots down field with 20, 30 seconds. If it's intercepted big deal. I love Jerry but his philosophy is too conservative at times.

GH hates leidner. Asks him to pass down the field with one minute left.

I agree with kill

What recruit would want to play for a team like this? Giving up with a minute left in a half. Like the time doesn't matter. Garbage. Extremely dissapointed with Kill and his decision to not try to get in field goal position. Ugh.

You have to at least play for a FG there. Now if we don't score on our first possession in the second half, we may never see momentum again.

Don't forget we get the ball to start the half.

I would rather get the ball back when we are tied or ahead than get it back when we are still down. That was absolutely pathetic play calling to end the half. At least attempt to score. We got a first down and then let 20 seconds tick away...

I don't blame Kill right there... we've shown we can compete & dominate Mizz at times. No need to do something Mason-Brewsteresque...

I could go with that reasoning prior to the play by Maxx but after he got the 1st down with close to a minute on the clock and 3 timeouts there is no reason not to try and move into field goal range there. Way too conservative considering you are down 3.

We can't claim to be a top 25 team and have no two minute drill.

I can't even get mad about this anymore. It's just what this coaching staff does at the half. Every ****mothering time.

Outcoached in First Half

Poor play selection; fake punt; clock mgmt.

I expected a little better from our staff. Didn't look like Mizzou had much interest in playing early. To be down at half is silly

just stopped by to see what all the armchair coaches are saying.

consensus is that jerry kill made a mistake, jerry kill is saying that they are playing smart football. not. sure. who. to. side. with.

GH hates leidner. Asks him to pass down the field with one minute left.

I agree with kill

Who said anything about passing down the field? We needed thirty yards and had three time outs. You can dink and dunk for 30 yards with three timeouts.

We aren't on the goal line. We were on the 40 yard line.

Wow. I don't buy the "we get the ball in the 2nd half" line. Translation -- We have no confidence in our QB not to turn the ball over. If he's the best you've got, he needs to make plays. If you don't think he can, you must find someone else.

GH hates leidner. Asks him to pass down the field with one minute left.

I agree with kill

He's been on today. We needed what, 30 or 35 more yards after that first down to get into FG range? With 3 timeouts left we could possibly run the ball that far in that amount of time....

I love Kill. But that was f****** stupid. One minute and three time outs, 30 yards for FG range. Play to win the game. If we lose this game by three, I'm putting it squarely on Kill for being a eunuch. The team should be furious with him right now.

25 yards with 3 timeouts in 50 seconds. Is it really that tough??

Wow. I don't buy the "we get the ball in the 2nd half" line. Translation -- We have no confidence in our QB not to turn the ball over. If he's the best you've got, he needs to make plays. If you don't think he can, you must find someone else.

And when would he have found this someone else? Dumb post. Kill thinks our chances of doing something wrong there is greater then doing something good. We still have 2Qs. Trust in Kill - he knows better than you.

Couldn't we have taken a couple knees if we weren't even going to try to score? It seems like throwing short passes gives you a chance of turning the ball over without giving you a chance to put some more points on the board before half. Either kneel or try to score.

I totally understand not being risky and chucking it down the field but you can be conservative and still try to move into field goal range in that situation. We clearly just wanted to get to half time with no interest in trying to move the ball.

just stopped by to see what all the armchair coaches are saying.

consensus is that jerry kill made a mistake, jerry kill is saying that they are playing smart football. not. sure. who. to. side. with.
Probably the more qualified coaches. So obviously GopherHole

Didn't we have 25 yards in the entire 2Q? Must be somewhat tough.
So that means you shouldn't try? Mizzou had 25 yards in the first quarter, look what they did

I wrote we get the ball before we started that "drive". IMO Jerry is over thinking it and taking confidence away from his players by taking a knee like that. I've been harping on this for two years.

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