Is it just me or does ABC have the sideline mics cranked up. It is very hard to hear the announcers it is so loud with background noise. Maybe that is a good thing?

My father just texted me complaining about this as well.

Need to convert this first down and overcome that penalty.

Anyone else notice the camera hardly showing the Minnesota fan side

Is the announcer calling Murray as Murphy or am I just deaf?

Mitch is big... should've been a straight QB run up the middle or go to Kirkwood. I love Cobb but for short yardage we should go with someone bigger that doesn't dance as much...

Maxx has killed us twice with his false start penalties. Do we see him playing a smaller role from here on out or what? Big game jitters?

Anyone else notice the camera hardly showing the Minnesota fan side

In all fairness they were all throughout the first quarter but with the momentum shifting it's only fair to show their fans be loud...

It was #26 Campbell and he had a good shot to stop him in the backfield. Would have been huge for us. We still got the stop though, but would have been great to have that field position.

Offense needs to get at least a few first downs here.

Huge mistake by Campbell. It completely flipped field position and momentum.

Will someone with twitter tweet ABC to turn down the crowd noise, and figure out the camera work?

If we can get a stop here we will have the momentum completely back...

Even if Mizz scores I'm confident in Kill's ability to make adjustments...

I don't know if adjustments are needed. I think the hurry up has us gassed and some poor tackling is the result.

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We've dominated on defense. Can't believe we only have seven points to show for it.

Good hold by the defense though. That's a win on a drive that starts from the 50.

I can live with that considering Mizz has the momentum...

3 Points is ok... terrible field positioning caused that. Need to score though!

that's where Jones would've been useful... we'll be ok...

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