Sorry to say but Coach Kill is just Glen Mason in disguise. That's as far as we will go. Coach Kill is a nice guy. Minnesota Nice. But he is too conservative. In the biggest game of the year, of his life, and he was just playing safe. Sorry Coach Kill, but once you get to championship games, you will face coaches that are better than you, and if you can't take chances... then you will rarely win.

Wonder if Pinkel said "thanks Jerry" and Kill responded with "you're welcome" when they had their buddy-buddy postgame handshake.

That was fun everyone. We'll be back in 50 more years.

This is unfortunately becoming comical and all too common. Was really hoping today would be the day this team would turn the corner.

Yes, this god dang "Jan 1 bowl" loss is too common.

So I assume all you folks are calling for Kill to be fired? He is a moron, can't stack up, etc.

No, I think he's a great coach but has blinders on in some aspects of the game. The team is disciplined but the conservative 2 minute drills, the decision to play Marcus Jones, the terrible trick plays. The biggest issue is a complete lack of a killer spirit. And it does affect the players mindset.

David Cobb was sleepwalking today. Very, very strange. No fire at all.

Mirrors are important after this one. Jerry and crew need to look in a few and realize they need to tweak things or we will continue to struggle in the big games. Two problems though they are stubborn and I also think sometimes they manage the program to win 8 or 9 games a year and everything else is gravy. We can't take the next step without them stepping out of their comfort zone so maybe this is it. We will know better this time next year.

I don't think we were clearly better then Wisconsin or better then them at all. We came out fired up with momentum & when they settled down & played their game, well, we seen the outcome. I think we were evenly matched but I do think we are 1 notch below Wisconsin in the Run Game & when we fix that we'll be dominant again against them. In my opinion... I could've seen the game different then you...

I should elaborate. I thought we were clearly the better team for most of the game. Same with today. If we don't have bone-headed mistakes that are usually rare for Kill's teams, we win this game.

At this point I'm just typing things without thinking. I'm still disappointed at the end of the first half... Haha. Ugh.

So I assume all you folks are calling for Kill to be fired? He is a moron, can't stack up, etc.

So I assume you think Kill coached a good game today? Get a clue. He got out coached today, and not by a little bit. Mizzou's coach ran circles around him. He won with an inferior all around team, and made it look lopsided at the end. It's a statement of fact. Kill just got owned. Not even in the same solar system.

What game were you watching?

I'm not calling for him to be fired by any means. But if this program is going to continue to improve, he has got to be better than that. Coach to win the game. He coached like he was happy to be there.

Also, I've seen enough of Leidner. That last drive iced the cake for me. I've stuck by him all season. I don't put the loss on him today, by any means, in the same way you can't blame an ostrich for not being able to fly. He's had his fair shake. We need someone better, bottom line. Nothing personal, he's a great kid. The same would happen to me if I weren't performing at my job.

Sorry to say but Coach Kill is just Glen Mason in disguise. That's as far as we will go. Coach Kill is a nice guy. Minnesota Nice. But he is too conservative. In the biggest game of the year, of his life, and he was just playing safe. Sorry Coach Kill, but once you get to championship games, you will face coaches that are better than you, and if you can't take chances... then you will rarely win.

Agree completely. All we hear about is the improvement, the improvement. Same record as last year. Another embarrassing bowl loss. A couple big game leads blown again. I'm not sure why anyone is convinced he's the Messiah.

Honestly I think we'd have done better playing them in early December. We sure didn't look like we had 15 extra practices.

Except for the 258 yard passing... a whole 119 yards above Leidner's average coming in.

Mizzou's coach called plays to fire up his team, and we played ultra conservatively. Kill looks like a fool now with his comment at the end of the first half. Reminds me of the Vikings taking a knee to go into overtime, only to lose. We could have won this game - we started strong (except for the first possession fumble). Defense looked very good until they got gassed in the second half. Another missed opportunity.

Well good showing by the fans! Right? Team beat it's self but not time to start comparing this to the Mason years just yet...

So I assume you think Kill coached a good game today? Get a clue. He got out coached today, and not by a little bit. Mizzou's coach ran circles around him. He won with an inferior all around team, and made it look lopsided at the end. It's a statement of fact. Kill just got owned. Not even in the same solar system.

What game were you watching?

I'm not calling for him to be fired by any means. But if this program is going to continue to improve, he has got to be better than that. Coach to win the game. He coached like he was happy to be there.

Also, I've seen enough of Leidner. That last drive iced the cake for me. I've stuck by him all season. I don't put the loss on him today, by any means, in the same way you can't blame an ostrich for not being able to fly. He's had his fair shake. We need someone better, bottom line. Nothing personal, he's a great kid. The same would happen to me if I weren't performing at my job.


Agree with your LOL, but also, it was pretty obvious Kill and his crew were outdone by Missouri's staff. And it wasn't even close. Missouri's adjustments made Kill's coaching staff look out to lunch, especially in the second half.

So I assume you think Kill coached a good game today? Get a clue. He got out coached today, and not by a little bit. Mizzou's coach ran circles around him. He won with an inferior all around team, and made it look lopsided at the end. It's a statement of fact. Kill just got owned. Not even in the same solar system.

What game were you watching?

I'm not calling for him to be fired by any means. But if this program is going to continue to improve, he has got to be better than that. Coach to win the game. He coached like he was happy to be there.

Also, I've seen enough of Leidner. That last drive iced the cake for me. I've stuck by him all season. I don't put the loss on him today, by any means, in the same way you can't blame an ostrich for not being able to fly. He's had his fair shake. We need someone better, bottom line. Nothing personal, he's a great kid. The same would happen to me if I weren't performing at my job.

You truly are an inferior all around mind

So I assume you think Kill coached a good game today? Get a clue. He got out coached today, and not by a little bit. Mizzou's coach ran circles around him. He won with an inferior all around team, and made it look lopsided at the end. It's a statement of fact. Kill just got owned. Not even in the same solar system.

What game were you watching?

I'm not calling for him to be fired by any means. But if this program is going to continue to improve, he has got to be better than that. Coach to win the game. He coached like he was happy to be there.

Also, I've seen enough of Leidner. That last drive iced the cake for me. I've stuck by him all season. I don't put the loss on him today, by any means, in the same way you can't blame an ostrich for not being able to fly. He's had his fair shake. We need someone better, bottom line. Nothing personal, he's a great kid. The same would happen to me if I weren't performing at my job.

I'm not sure how anyone can think that.

We have improved every year under kill so I still trust in his overall plan, but he had a poorly coached game today. Leidner played well today and you need to trust him at the end of the first half and the end of the game.

Agree with your LOL, but also, it was pretty obvious Kill and his crew were outdone by Missouri's staff. And it wasn't even close. Missouri's adjustments made Kill's coaching staff look out to lunch, especially in the second half.
He was out coached, but I don't think it was that badly called of a game. Defense played great if you take away a couple long runs. I wonder what the result is if Leidner doesn't cough a couple up and the punt fumble doesn't happen

He was out coached, but I don't think it was that badly called of a game. Defense played great if you take away a couple long runs. I wonder what the result is if Leidner doesn't cough a couple up and the punt fumble doesn't happen

For the amount of time it was particularly poor.

No, I think he's a great coach but has blinders on in some aspects of the game. The team is disciplined but the conservative 2 minute drills, the decision to play Marcus Jones, the terrible trick plays. The biggest issue is a complete lack of a killer spirit. And it does affect the players mindset.

David Cobb was sleepwalking today. Very, very strange. No fire at all.

Jones returned the punt because James was injured.

I'm very interested in hearing and reading the post game from the staff. Was James hurt or were they throwing jones a bone? James came back in. Why couldn't we stop the run? Conservative game plan always in every situation? Etc, etc.

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