Not sure if you saw this emoticon...:p...I know what your point was. Clearly we have the bottom feeders from ESPN doing the announcing for today's game.

Ask him what the "youngest" rocks on land are (not sure about ocean floor), but I think the "newest" rocks are on Iceland, and they are ~65 million years old.

I was just pointing out how clueless Mowins is.

NU leads the league in picks and has returned four of them for TDs. Nelson is not Tom Brady. Play it safe.

Oh come on....there is such a thing as a safe passing play that is unlikely to end in a pick 6. That was terrible clock management all the way around.

The first half is full of missed opportunities. Both the WR and Cobb out of the backfield (I believe) were wide open on the reverse pass. Horrible play calling on the last drive and then a missed FG.

The positive is the defense is playing very well and Nelson has the offense playing better.

Not sure if you saw this emoticon...:p...I know what your point was. Clearly we have the bottom feeders from ESPN doing the announcing for today's game.

Yup. Missed the emoticon.

But ask him anyway, I'm curious. I worked with one of my boys on a 3rd grade geology project a while ago, and I think I'm remembering correctly.

Who plays more rest of the game? Nelson or Leidner?

Limegrover is the worst coach in the history of GG football. He has no concept that the team with the most points on the scoreboard after 60 minutes wins the game. Huge P$ssy!!

Limegrover is the worst coach in the history of GG football. He has no concept that the team with the most points on the scoreboard after 60 minutes wins the game. Huge P$ssy!!

Wait, youre not a fan of Matt Limegrover?

I'm glad we took a chance to score with 1:44 left and the ball at the 50. See the smartest thing you can do there is run the ball up the middle a bunch of times in a row and waste the clock. That way, after you miss the long FG, NW has basically no time to score before the end of the half, and the game stays tied 7-7. You don't want to take even the slightest risk in that situation, as being tied is much better than being ahead or behind.

Oh come on....there is such a thing as a safe passing play that is unlikely to end in a pick 6. That was terrible clock management all the way around.

I'm just saying, Claeys knows his teams strengths and weaknesses better than us. The clock management was poor, but I don't want to see Nelson flinging it around with the NU defense obviously playing prevent.

I'm glad we took a chance to score with 1:44 left and the ball at the 50. See the smartest thing you can do there is run the ball up the middle a bunch of times in a row and waste the clock. That way, after you miss the long FG, NW has basically no time to score before the end of the half, and the game stays tied 7-7. You don't want to take even the slightest risk in that situation, as being tied is much better than being ahead or behind.

Well played, I enjoy sarcasm. :cool:

Claey's comment at half "We should be in it at the end" to me, that sums up this coaching staffs goals. Keep it close and hopefully we might win the game. Can't stand it.

Which team will make the best 2nd half adjustments?

Limegrover is the worst coach in the history of GG football. He has no concept that the team with the most points on the scoreboard after 60 minutes wins the game. Huge P$ssy!!

He doesn't seem to have any sense of the moment - jump on an opportunity, go for it!

Claey's comment at half "We should be in it at the end" to me, that sums up this coaching staffs goals. Keep it close and hopefully we might win the game. Can't stand it.

I caught that too. I hope that's not what he's really thinking. Northwestern without Mark and Coulter really sucks. Don't settle for being on par with them.

I'm just saying, Claeys knows his teams strengths and weaknesses better than us. The clock management was poor, but I don't want to see Nelson flinging it around with the NU defense obviously playing prevent.

I knew this would come. No one wants us to fling it around. We want smart pass action plays that at least get us in good FG range at worst. We completed the one pass we attempted. The rest of it was not smart coaching.

I hate how the coaching staff is "just happy" with things... that conservative state of mind says a lot...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> Jerry Kill is up here in the press box at half time.</p>— Kyle Goblirsch (@Gobie247) <a href="https://twitter.com/Gobie247/statuses/391619424207110144">October 19, 2013</a></blockquote>
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I agree with everyone wanting the team to be more agressive.
Why didn't they just call a touchdown pass at the end and then the score would be 14 to 7!!

I knew this would come. No one wants us to fling it around. We want smart pass action plays that at least get us in good FG range at worst. We completed the one pass we attempted. The rest of it was not smart coaching.

Whether Kill can make it back or not, Limegrover has to be canned after this year. I have never seen a more inept and gutless coach in my life. The kids were playing inspired and the coaches put them in a position to fail. Cant believe Santoso cannot beat Hawthorne out. He is god awful.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> Jerry Kill is up here in the press box at half time.</p>— Kyle Goblirsch (@Gobie247) <a href="https://twitter.com/Gobie247/statuses/391619424207110144">October 19, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Thought he was along the banks of the Mississippi?

I caught that too. I hope that's not what he's really thinking. Northwestern without Mark and Coulter really sucks. Don't settle for being on par with them.

What this says to our players is "we as coaches think our players suck so we will keep it close and hope for a miracle at the end". Neither of coordinators played college football to speak of the don't get it.

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