Nelson looks slow. That QB draw play call was a head scratcher.

No Joey Galloway, even with Kill on the sidelines our 2 minute efficiency is bunk.

What our announcers don't know is that is exactly how our clock would have been managed with Kill on the sideline.

If that doesn't tell you something then I don't know what does.

This is why we will never be a top tier team... terrible clock management. Also, you're not tricking anyone with run run 3rd and long. You're making it harder for your QBs to be successful. If I'm a defensive coordinator, you're making my job so much more easier. I'm not saying we change from a ball running team to a passing team, but mix it up some. Geeze!

Ya everyone in the stadium knew that wasn't going in.

Gophers playing to keep it close gain....

What a wasted opportunity. It was like Limegrover has never done this before (quick offense).

1:44 with a TO and it's 4 runs and a pass? I'm no great football mind but I don't get it.

Did anyone expect Hawthorn to make the field goal? The guy's had a tough time kicking extra-points...

Since my brother-in-law received his doctorate in geo-physics from NU...I'd say...Yes they are! :p

Ask him what the "youngest" rocks on land are (not sure about ocean floor), but I think the "newest" rocks are on Iceland, and they are ~65 million years old.

I was just pointing out how clueless Mowins is.

Just terrible clock management before the half again. Glad they at least attempted to get into field goal range but they wasted so much time and so many plays with the dive plays up the middle that even if they work only get you a couple yards and burn lots of time.

Good coaching by Fitz....sing it with me now

Ice Ice baby

Limegrover runs the first two plays of 2-m drill, wasting time, botches the clock management, then we miss the field goal. Northwestern is very beatable, but our offense looks like a small college outfit with a timid OC.

1:44 with a TO and it's 4 runs and a pass? I'm no great football mind but I don't get it.

It's that fear of the mistake, I hate it. In the position they were in, I thought it was an excellent chance to try to be aggressive. The Michigan game, I understand a little bit more, but here, I think you gotta open it up more.

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