That quick sideline passing game is giving us troubles. Gotta tighten that up.

That quick sideline passing game is giving us troubles. Gotta tighten that up.

Looks like the corner slipped on the play. I want to think that if he hadn't, that the play would have been broken up.

I'm not sure but I think Bentancourt is a Las Cruces native.

BBC is definitely the injury to worry about this game. Haven't seen him since he went out.

Oh we'll cant win 'em all...

Offense needs a looooooong drive...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/deronTHETRUTH20">@deronTHETRUTH20</a> yeah buddy. Gotta get you and <a href="https://twitter.com/KNARFWONGAR">@KNARFWONGAR</a> to commit then I can sleep.</p>— 〽I'm Golden〽 (@Elmore2014) <a href="https://twitter.com/Elmore2014/statuses/376524386473242625">September 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Love this kid - he is always recruiting

No BBC and very little Wells tonight. I can't get too upset at our pass D without those two.

It seems like our D falls asleep or gets complacent a couple of drives per game. Need to button that up.

Not the greatest throw to Hutton but he's gotta catch that. Killed the drive.

Blame that stall on dropped passes

A little bit of a dangerous time, will need the defense to rise up here, keep them at bay.

We know that Nelson can run the read option, but we don't need it now. Line him up under center and pound the ball with the RBs and throw some play action. Not a Limegrover basher generally, but I'd like to see a bit better out of him here.

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