dirty little block there to end the half. hope shede is ok.

Would it kill them to tell the viewer who got sack or tackle with this shoddy camera work?

One penalty in the 1st H,m I right?

Yep, once we decided we could just overpower them in every way it turned in our favor in a big way. Keep it going in the second half, get those reserves some action.

They can't communicate with NMSU's coach hahahaha

The Bastards took the couch off'n my front porch and put it on the Aggies side line!

What a huge difference a week makes - Navy 41 Indiana 34.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>In 2011, <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Aggies&src=hash">#Aggies</a> walked in to TCF Bank Stadium and beat the U. Today, <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> lead 27-7 at half at New Mexico State. <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Progress&src=hash">#Progress</a></p>— GopherHole.com (@GopherHole) <a href="https://twitter.com/GopherHole/statuses/376518172863922176">September 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Saw Boddy walking off. He was a little gimpy but not terribly so and hopefully nothing that won't heal up before B10 play starts.

My two favorite players: Boddy-Calhoun and Maxx Williams both suffered (what appears to be) serious injuries. Nothing is painless with this team...

What a huge difference a week makes - Navy 41 Indiana 34.

still pretty much the same story. indiana has never been renowned for their D.

on a side note, michigan looks very good right now

correction. devin gardner looks very very good. he may want to wear 98 every game

I'd like to see more Donovahn Jones in space. Looks like he's got a nice burst and you can kinda (due to TV quality) tell he's a great athlete.

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