<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>RT <a href="https://twitter.com/alarp33">@alarp33</a>: Don't bother getting Marcus Jones anything for Christmas, he'll just return it. <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a></p>— Minnesota Gophers (@GopherSports) <a href="https://twitter.com/GopherSports/statuses/376520851362811905">September 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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My two favorite players: Boddy-Calhoun and Maxx Williams both suffered (what appears to be) serious injuries. Nothing is painless with this team...

Explain about Maxx, didn't see anything

I'd like the Gophers to open up the Offense more... you can bully a smaller team around in non-conference, but you won't be able to rely just on the run game for offense in conference play.

267 yards in the 1st Half... all while losing a possession due to a Special Teams TD...

Honestly I don't care if they open up the offense or not. We can dominate this game by running it up the gut darn near every time, no need to get crazy if we don't have to I don't think. Focus on the fundamentals and get the second teamers some experience.

The only good thing about this half time is that we don't have to listen to the announcers and watch the AggieVision camera work...

Their halftime report would likely consist of two Super Seniors sitting on a couple upturned boxes in a back room, taking turns talking into a harmonica mic.

Honestly I don't care if they open up the offense or not. We can dominate this game by running it up the gut darn near every time, no need to get crazy if we don't have to I don't think. Focus on the fundamentals and get the second teamers some experience.

Too much common sense there, 07.

Honestly I don't care if they open up the offense or not. We can dominate this game by running it up the gut darn near every time, no need to get crazy if we don't have to I don't think. Focus on the fundamentals and get the second teamers some experience.

+1. Just don't get another RB hurt if Kirkwood doesn't make it back for SJSU.

Let's get it on so that we can insert 2D with Mitch sooner.

I'd like the Gophers to open up the Offense more... you can bully a smaller team around in non-conference, but you won't be able to rely just on the run game for offense in conference play.

plus having a few secrets (given we can execute them) will always help in the b10 opener against iowa

Honestly I don't care if they open up the offense or not. We can dominate this game by running it up the gut darn near every time, no need to get crazy if we don't have to I don't think. Focus on the fundamentals and get the second teamers some experience.

Totally agree

Holy cow, Williams. That's a lot of yards.

Well... we're doing much better then Texas at this point...

Woulda been nice to see Berkley Edwards on that run by Williams, likely TD there lol.

NMSU playing 8 in the box....let's see some PA pass

Hawthorne does look very good. His kicks are strong.

Stupid ol' Limegrover - a REAL O coordinator would have a million billion points by now. The Gophers only have 30

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