I'm watching through my fingers. Come on Gophers bring this one home.

Why are we snapping the ball with 15 secs on the play clock?

Why are we snapping the ball with 15 secs on the play clock?

I think it's a bit early to worry too much about the clock. Just keep playing with rhythm and flow, we're gonna just run, run, run anyway. Big third down here though.

I mean, we are Minnesota, but you'd think that the announcers would do a LITTLE research before doing the game. They make it sound like the Gophers went down to a homeless shelter and asked Cobb if he wanted to play football.

Props to Cobb....running hard....just look at his freakin' helmet sticker (he should earn a helmet sticker!)

I mean, we are Minnesota, but you'd think that the announcers would do a LITTLE research before doing the game. They make it sound like the Gophers went down to a homeless shelter and asked Cobb if he wanted to play football.

In all fairness, most people there thought the depth chart was Kirland, Williams, Edwards coming in, then Cobb

P.S. F@ck

You have got to be fuc%&&ing kidding me. Another game in gopher lore of meltdowns.

Our receivers would easily win the B1G ping-pong tournament.

so much failed execution in the 4th quarter so far. What's next, a dropped INT or lost receiver? Maybe another Abdullah option toss?

YES! Okay offense, let's finish it off, 4 minute offense.

so much failed execution in the 4th quarter so far. What's next, a dropped INT or lost receiver? Maybe another Abdullah option toss?

None of these! Come on offense, ONE DRIVE FOR TD!

LOL @ that punt, awesome, we're almost in FG range right off the start.

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