Well, we've learned that Kill and Co. are pretty good at making their halftime adjustments. If we can just keep it tight until then, this seems within reach.

it was easy to look dominant against smaller inferior athletes...

Exactly. Obviously remains to be seen how things to today, but I wasn't all the jazzed up about our vaunted rushing attack after the NC schedule. It was like a varsity HS team being able to run on the JV. Feels good, but big whoop. Anyway, Nelson has completed a couple passes here, so hopefully we can keep em off balance. Go GOphers!

Nice to see we do have a passing game that fits our players...

We'll need it because we can't seem to run effectively or at least not the plays they've called so far...

Look at stats and 0-3 isn't a bad score. Now keep the drive alive.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Wells will return to the game, wearing a brace on that right shoulder.</p>— Justin Gaard (@jgkfan) <a href="https://twitter.com/jgkfan/statuses/384049682181545985">September 28, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Wells will return to the game, wearing a brace on that right shoulder.</p>— Justin Gaard (@jgkfan) <a href="https://twitter.com/jgkfan/statuses/384049682181545985">September 28, 2013</a></blockquote>
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That's good news, jaymil.

What the hell kind of defense was that? We had 8 on the line of scrimmage.

What the hell kind of defense was that? We had 8 on the line of scrimmage.

Only way we can stop their run...and unfortunately, leaves us vulnerable to a pass. Bummer...Iowa is moving the ball VERY well so far

Everyone on Iowa's team looks and runs like a full back... and we can't stop them.

Nice call a Claeys! Weather like today D can play all day and not get tired.

Gophers suck. This is going to be another blowout loss.

Only way we can stop their run...and unfortunately, leaves us vulnerable to a pass. Bummer...Iowa is moving the ball VERY well so far

All while they're not concerned with out passing game giving them an easy time stopping the run.

This is getting ugly.

Good news is Iowa plays super conservative and probably won't run away with it quick. Bad news we need to see something on offense on this next drive or we are in a ton of trouble. Time to crack open that mythical playbook people have been talking about the past few weeks.

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