Wells out with some kinda hand injury...bummer.

Good drive for the Defense... really glad Iowa didn't come out moving the ball at will like a few of our first few opponents...

You know... I understand that the identity of the Gophers (and the vikings) as a run oriented offense, but geeze, can you please mix it up so it's not so obvious? Run, Run, third and long pass... doesn't fool anyone!

Well, as most predicted, Iowa stacks the box and forces us to throw on a 3rd and long. No way we pound it 40 times today...gonna need some kind of passing game. Not a real promising start, but I guess we'll see how it develops. Great field position for IOwa here.

Wondering why Leidner isn't starting after a heck of a performance in his debut last week...

Finally! sc almost ran the offside kick back for a TD. Thought we were going to miss the NFL Pergamum show tomorrow

Don't really mind the run, run, pass strategy that deep in our own territory, but I hope it's not like that all game.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Derrick Wells has right shoulder injury, taken back to locker room for xrays</p>— Justin Gaard (@jgkfan) <a href="https://twitter.com/jgkfan/statuses/384043351840161792">September 28, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Yeah not too worried about the play-calling right there since we were so deep into our own territory...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Derrick Wells has right shoulder injury, taken back to locker room for xrays</p>— Justin Gaard (@jgkfan) <a href="https://twitter.com/jgkfan/statuses/384043351840161792">September 28, 2013</a></blockquote>
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I was way off with the hand thing. Sorry everyone.

Why the F is Iowa even trying to throw right now.

Iowa is mixing it up on offense, keeping us guessing. We have to be able to do the same.

I was way off with the hand thing. Sorry everyone.

It did look like he was nursing his hand too. Hopefully nothing serious.

Can't go run, run, pass every offensive possession but don't mind it deep in our side of the field. Our offensive line better have come to play today.

This possession will say a lot... hope Limegrover opens up the playbook a little...

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