man where the fhk is trevor? wth is goin on ehre, get some plays for your superstars

For those keeping count, I think that is the 4th buzzer beater halftime 3-pointer that has been hit against us.

Of course craft would hit a three like that. Only against us of course. Oh, and he traveled by the way.

fhking AA where r u Austin???get ur head on boy or get the fhk out of here.

Whatever. With how sloppy we played. I'll take a 4 point deficit.

Traveling rarely exists anymore unless it is so blatantly obvious. Like taking 8 steps without dribbling. Ridiculous.

Of course craft would hit a three like that. Only against us of course. Oh, and he traveled by the way.

Tough shot. Yes he traveled. Yes I'm ticked at the refs. Nothing can be done about it now, the team needs to hit the locker room, not act like their best pig died just because the refs gave Craft a gimme there, and find a way to win this game. We need to end this skid.

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