I said this last year, but I'll say it again... if you recall during our "winning streak," who was running the Gophers? Hint... it wasn't Kill. And of course the moment Kill takes the team back, we lay eggs, especially in the bowl game. Kill is a nice guy but I bet I'm not the only one who prefers Claeys.

What is worse? 45-0 or 52-0? Does it matter? At least show some confidence and give it a shot. I hate that passive attitude.

It doesn't help the team in any way to keep getting turned over and scored on. The team needed to regroup the half was lost.

It always sucks watching the halftime highlight from around CFB and seeing teams catching passes, running, and scoring touchdowns..

The thing is I still think we can win in the Big House. That's how bad our conference is.

I said this last year, but I'll say it again... if you recall during our "winning streak," who was running the Gophers? Hint... it wasn't Kill. And of course the moment Kill takes the team back, we lay eggs, especially in the bowl game. Kill is a nice guy but I bet I'm not the only one who prefers Claeys.

You do know what's wrong with your theory right? Kill was running the team, like always, just not from the sideline.

Ya'll bitching about Kill not going into a 2 minute offense need to lay off the sauce.

What about today has made you think they should even TRY to score with <5 minutes on the clock?

So we should just give up? I'd rather going down trying than not. Inexcusable to give up at the end. We run some pass plays down by our own goal line, get some yards, then just give up 20 yards from field goal range? F that. That pissed me off more than anything in the first half.

The difference in team speed is frightening. They are quicker up front on the line and faster to the ball at all positions. They are just better at all facets of the game than we are.

Well that was an embarrassing half of football. The only bright side I can see is that we have a whole half to practice our passing game with nothing to lose.

I don't know how ugly this is on TV, but it's more ugly here. Mitch has 2int's & s/b 3 or 4. The 1 deflected is on him - totally over thrown. Limegrover needs lots of help!

4th year of program and we have a starting QB who is slow and awkward running and can't pass. That is on the coaches.

i told everyone that ML should have stayed down for the good of the team..

don? where are you now?

Perfect chance to use the excuse of Leidner isn't 100%. Put in Strevler to see what he has.

i also said several of you would be begging for death by halftime..
i predicted 3 pick-6's for ML in the first half... i was pretty close.

TCU fans in the stadium are calling our plays before they're snapped.

every analyst has said we have the most predictable and easy to defend offense in football. but our coaches don't care. they're smarter than everyone, hey, they won at NIU and Southern. BFD.

4th year of program and we have a starting QB who is slow and awkward running and can't pass. That is on the coaches.

Agreed. I was never on the Mitch wagon, but I just fell off of the "let's give him the benefit of the doubt until we lose" wagon and sprained my wrist.

Ya'll bitching about Kill not going into a 2 minute offense need to lay off the sauce.

What about today has made you think they should even TRY to score with <5 minutes on the clock?

Exactly, My buddy here said, can we score with 3 and a half minutes left? I said that's not enough time for our offense to go 80 yards.

Our blocking assignments are a mess too.

We miss our fullback. They're using Maxx now. Not good.

I've withheld commenting because I was so frustrated during the first half.

A couple things I feel that I'm now level headed enough to say. First, Leidner doesnt have the technique or ability to throw at a Power 5 level. Second, our team had no energy from the start of the game which seems to be a common occurance. Finally, our defense hasn't played terribly, most of TCU's points are based on terrific field position.

every analyst has said we have the most predictable and easy to defend offense in football. but our coaches don't care. they're smarter than everyone, hey, they won at NIU and Southern. BFD.

Maybe we are holding back for SJSU?

no chance with the OC coaching. Worst ever called offense I have ever seen....and we're talking about a lot of bad being seen

I'm certainly not defending the play calling, but if you're going to call them out, at least give some ideas as to what he should do different. What, from a play calling standpoint, needed to change significantly to give us a chance today?

Leidner is flat out scared out there. He looks at one player and if he isn't open, he panics. On that roll to the right, try to throw it back to Goodger play that should have been picked, a receiver was open on a quick hitch down at the bottom.

1 other thing. As bad as it is this isn't an embarrassment -if your name isn't Mitch. This is a very, very good TCU team

At half, we have 39 yards rushing; 7 of 17 passing. Losing season looms ahead with this offense.

How long with Kill ride the we had Chandler Harnish and recruited Jordan Lynch for when talking about QBs?

He always brings those two up.

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