We haven't seen a decent Gopher qb for so long we don't know what they look like.

Warm up the bus...so the only question now is can we steal a Tim Brewster moral victory and score last?

Well, I will say it. The Big 10 should just forfeit the rest of their games this season and send an apology to all season ticket holders. This is an absolute dumpster fire of a season and nothing is going to change that from this point on. The entire conference is a joke and the beating we will take come bowl season will wreck the reputation of the conference for a generation to come.

What is there to say?

We have completely failed to manage the quarterback position. The buck stops with the big guy.

Limegrower sucks.

I can't handle everyone on here acting like the seasons over. See ya next week

They actually have a chance to put up 31 in this half... lots of time left & we can't keep their Offense off the field...

Let's trick them by running up the middle every play. It will eventually trick them!

Remember when we used to run the Jet Sweep? Those days were fun...

Take a chance and throw to the wrs one on one. If they make plays it's our only chance to open up

It's just incredible how we fight and scratch for 3 yards, and a good gain is like 6 or 7 for us. Just pathetic.

This is complete effort. Leidner is playing poorly. But the o-line is getting pushed around. And Cobb fumbled after the D made a play. This is a complete unit effort that's doing it not just the QB.

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