How bad can we play football? We might find out today.

Hey Mitch, did you see that? Their QB took a hit and delivered a strike. It's possible.

Hey, let's keep running it right up the middle guys. We even tried to run Edwards right up the middle.

Now we're getting pressure and the kid is still good enough to deliver it on the money.

Did kill just sit on his ass and expect Patterson to do the same for this game? No preparation?

We aren't deep enough on defense to withstand our putrid offense.

Unreal...Cobb is usually so reliable, and even he craps it up here.

The offense has completely let the defense down, a real shame cause it's gonna look like they've played horrible, when in reality, they've been "solid". But the offense has been absolutely brutal.

Remember when Jerry said we'd be competitive in games in year 3?

Ya, still waiting.

Defense hasn't actually played terrible but they're getting NO HELP. Those quick drives are keeping them on the field & our Defense is going to be cooked in the 2nd Half because they're gonna be so tired in the 4th.

Defense hasn't actually played terrible but they're getting NO HELP. Those quick drives are keeping them on the field & our Defense is going to be cooked in the 2nd Half because they're gonna be so tired in the 4th.

The defense has played well enough to win this game. The offense and special teams have been a disaster.

I'm done watching today. Hope we can beat SJSU!

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