We backed out of a road game with North Carolina in the name of program building, but kept this one on the schedule? Oh well, time to mow the lawn.

I realize Streveler/Perra may be worse. But Leidner's only asset is his running and he's not 100%. They literally can't be worse right now. I'm not saying bench him permanently but get him out of this game.

If TCU's coach wasn't a good friend of Kill's, I'd say the final score would be 60+ to 0. But I'm sure his pal will stop at 40.

Four down territory.

I guess not. Patterson I'm sure knows Limegrover is an idiot it's like matching up a PHD against a kindergartner he must have come into this game chucking to himself. Limey has a time or two straightened his sh%t out during the game could it happenb today? A lot of time left.

I've been on hiatus for awhile but I gotta put my 2 cents in here on 3 fronts: current QB situation, trend since Kill has come on board, and recruiting for the future.

Leidner is not the answer, he's not fast enough to be a true dual threat and he doesn't pass well enough to keep defenses honest. If he was quicker/shiftier around the line of scrimmage and in the pocket we could get away with running 2/3 of the time.

Today is just shining a light on a problem the Gophers have had since Kill started, we don't have a dynamic QB or even one that fits Kill's system well. Until we can bring someone in or we have someone step up this team will continue to have offensive problems.

I've heard nothing but rave reviews about Seth Green, I don't doubt that he's the prototypical guy Kill wants to run his offense. Win or lose today we need to have a renewed sense of urgency in landing a top tier QB to run this system (especially one in our backyard). Its the most important position on the field and we need someone who can do what Limey and Kill want.

Not crazy about the officiating so far. Not that it would matter much.

How did we give up 7 yards by recovering a fumble?

Pretty impressive pick! Surprised he ended up with that.

If it makes anyone feel better, Illinois is getting spanked by Washington.

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