Throw it deep to one of our big receivers for **** sakes.

See how chicken **** this Coaching staff is? They have yet to switch in Croft because it's such a close game. No matter how crappy Leidner plays, he is not coming out ever.

Brad Johnson, Trent Dilfer game managers and world champs. Leidner=game manager and winner. Win/loss record don't lie.

Trent Dilfer didn't win his division. Brad Johnson was a pro bowler his year.

That int is a perfect example of why Leidner's experience is not a good argument as to why he should be starting. He makes terrible decisions and still can't read a defense and get the ball to who he should and when he should.

Where is Gentry? Kill said he'd get more time recently and I don't think he has played today yet.

Where did that ball hit the receiver on the pick? Tough play all around.

Where did that ball hit the receiver on the pick? Tough play all around.

It hit him at the exact spot the defender hit him at the exact time when he was most vulnerable

That int is a perfect example of why Leidner's experience is not a good argument as to why he should be starting. He makes terrible decisions and still can't read a defense and get the ball to who he should and when he should.

Right, QB's either have "it" or they don't. They don't improve that much from when they enter the program. I'm sure that Mitch is a good guy and great teammate, but he doesn't have it.

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An 18 yard punt w/19 seconds in the half and they run a delay off tackle? This is absolute chicken sh*t. Nothing bad can happen even if it's a down field INT.

Have we thrown to wide receiver at all so far?

Woli once or twice. However, if I'm a HS receiver, there's no way I come to MN with Mitch as my QB. He has not noticed so many open WRs down the middle today it's unreal. The routes and play calling are good, the decision making and vision of Mitch are piss poor.

Haha. Kill mentions the center as what will fix this offense. Okay...

An 18 yard punt w/19 seconds in the half and they run a delay off tackle? This is absolute chicken sh*t. Nothing bad can happen even if it's a down field INT.

Remember the ndsu game in kills first year?

What you all refuse to acknowledge is the crappy route designs by this staff. On the Interception, Still is running straight towards the end zone with soft coverage. All he has to do is stop and turn and he's wide open for a 12 yard gain. We never run those routes. It's all or nothing with this staff. They are simply stupid and Limegrover admitted he's not very smart. Not one of you has ever acknowledged the lousy route designs by this staff. That's 80% of the problem. They don't understand the passing game or how to exploit a secondary. Never have, never will. There is an intermediate passing game they have no clue how to implement.

What you all refuse to acknowledge is the crappy route designs by this staff. On the Interception, Still is running straight towards the end zone with soft coverage. All he has to do is stop and turn and he's wide open for a 12 yard gain. We never run those routes. It's all or nothing with this staff. They are simply stupid and Limegrover admitted he's not very smart. Not one of you has ever acknowledged the lousy route designs by this staff. That's 80% of the problem. They don't understand the passing game or how to exploit a secondary. Never have, never will. There is an intermediate passing game they have no clue how to implement.

I disagree on the crappy routes. We have had some wide open receivers down the middle the entire game. Mitch has either seen them too late, or missed them entirely and thrown the check down, or tried to kill his fullback on that pick. Mitch is the problem today bar none on the passing plays.

What you all refuse to acknowledge is the crappy route designs by this staff. On the Interception, Still is running straight towards the end zone with soft coverage. All he has to do is stop and turn and he's wide open for a 12 yard gain. We never run those routes. It's all or nothing with this staff. They are simply stupid and Limegrover admitted he's not very smart. Not one of you has ever acknowledged the lousy route designs by this staff. That's 80% of the problem. They don't understand the passing game or how to exploit a secondary. Never have, never will. There is an intermediate passing game they have no clue how to implement.

Not true, the 10-15 yard out into triple coverage is a staple.

What you all refuse to acknowledge is the crappy route designs by this staff. On the Interception, Still is running straight towards the end zone with soft coverage. All he has to do is stop and turn and he's wide open for a 12 yard gain. We never run those routes. It's all or nothing with this staff. They are simply stupid and Limegrover admitted he's not very smart. Not one of you has ever acknowledged the lousy route designs by this staff. That's 80% of the problem. They don't understand the passing game or how to exploit a secondary. Never have, never will. There is an intermediate passing game they have no clue how to implement.

I think this is a good post and something the offensive staff deserves criticism for.

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