Nice! That's not a slow QB Richardson just caught.

Mike Grimm says "The Gophers have come to play this half."

As opposed to what - staying in the locker room?

I think Cobb had more power and a bit more vision, but Brooks can bounce off a lot of tackles and has a burst that Cobb didn't have. Power will come as he's only a true freshman. He will definitely be a great player for us for years to come! Rodney Smith isn't too bad either... so we're set for the next 3-4 years at RB.

But don't expect this to happen every game... Teams that normally beat us in the trenches like Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin will be hard to run on. This is where we will need our QB to be better.

For those that want to watch this again (or 10 more times)

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Another one

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mike grimm 'might not have to throw on this possession. oh ok. leidner stinks.

Do you guys remember the Gopher game last year where Glen Mason was commentating and at least 10 times used the phrase "be your own blocker?" I think Brooks might have been listening.

Touchdown!! Finally we look like last year's offense. Unfortunately we're playing Purdue so it's with a grain of salt.

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