Why? That's about as dumb a rule as possible. Was it always that way?

Don't know if it has always been that way but it has been that way for as long as I can remember. It is what it is, bottom line is that he wasn't all the way across so the play counted.

Offense doing a good job recovering from the muffed kick return, need to go get 6 on this drive.

I'm glad,our line got the memo they're not calling holding. Thismismlooking like nfl.

it seems like we have enough dimensions going today that we have them on their heels.

So did Gregory get concussed and is now back in the game? I assume he didn't get his bell rung, then?

too much air on that throw, gotta give maxx a chance to go get it.

Mitch Leidner, the D-1 QB who unintentionally throws 1 of every 4 passes out of bounds.

So did Gregory get concussed and is now back in the game? I assume he didn't get his bell rung, then?

Could have been a stinger or any number of things. Just because it involves the head it is not automatically a concussion. If he passed on the sideline tests...

no f...in way did that just happen

and some more good luck for the Gophers.

what a massive swing. ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're kicking a chip shot field goal and toso kicks it 9 feet off the ground.

Eff this game, it's been pre determined were not going to win this game. 7-5 and another crappy bowl loss.

Great idea, just flat stop blocking greggery. He's such a non factor after all

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