That was PI.

That being said, they almost have to bring in Streveler. At least he can run.

"You could've called pass interference" . The guy tried to horse collar him before the ball got there.

Maye was being dragged down.

Our whole offense has to be questioned. including the OC

I guess we can tackle the WR before the ball gets to him because these refs aren't calling it

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This offense is so bad, and it starts with Limegrover. We do a bubble screen to Woli, but still no jet sweeps to Maye, Jones or Berk. I mean...

People keep defending Leidner and saying that it's the O-line... which it is also, but lets be honest... he is not very accurate. I'd rather have any other B10 QB than Leidner.

It's still the first quarter?

Kill should have challenged that just to make the refs announce that pi is not a reviewable call.

Both teams afraid to throw

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Gotta try something else when the Gophs get the ball back. Streveler? Maybe.

I see that hanging on Gopher receivers before the ball gets there still is not pass interference, just like last game

How can they run and we can't ?

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D will be tired. they will need help fromthe o

if they don't pull it together, this season could totally unravel

We tend to get better as games go on. Let's hope it's true today.

They can put 9 in the box on defense, whereas we have to at least somewhat respect their passing game

Looks like are blocking and we are not.

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Their D is keeping our offense in check. Firsr 1st down in game by any team?

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