Wow...a few things that could've been called against the Gophers there.

What are they reviewing? Can't throw a flag after the fact. WOndering if he stayed in bounds?

Can you review a fair catch signal?? I guess so....

A valid fair-catch signal is the extending and lateral waving of one arm, at full arm’s length above the head, by any member of the receiving team. [2-9-3]

Wasn't at full arm's length, that's for sure.

A valid fair-catch signal is the extending and lateral waving of one arm, at full arm’s length above the head, by any member of the receiving team. [2-9-3]

Which he didn't do.

Great run, but Good grief, TCU did that last week, so let's make the same mistake this week

Is that even reviewable? I don't recal pentalties being reviewable. He shouldn't be waiving his hand like that though.

They could have called that punt return back for 4 different things

What are they reviewing? Can't throw a flag after the fact. WOndering if he stayed in bounds?

Huh, ok...guess I was wrong. So can you call pass interference after a review? Holding?

There was a block in the back also... terrible game so far for the Gophers.

Valid Signal
ARTICLE 2. A valid signal is a signal given by a player of Team B who has obviously signaled his intention by extending one hand only clearly above his head and waving that hand from side to side of his body more than once.

Invalid Signal
ARTICLE 3. An invalid signal is any waving signal by a player of Team B that does not meet the requirements of a valid signal (Rule 6-5-3).

The radio guys said he signaled for a fair catch as the play was happening so it must have been fairly obvious. Though break...hopefully the offense can get something moving on this drive and give the defense a friggin break.

if a csu player had tackled him, would they call a penalty for not allowing his 'fair catch'?

The issue is that it becomes a matter of opinion as to whether it was a full arm's length or not. If you don't want a fair catch, don't wave your hand.

Not a fair catch signal. Refs blew it.

Gophers, officials, everybody looks awful today. Weird game. I hope we find an offense at some point.

I'm not sure how we've tackled two valid fair catches and then made an invalid fair catch. What an abomination of a game by the special teams so far

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These refs suck. The screaming announcer guy on CBSSports is tough to listen to. I feel like this game is 45 minutes old and we only played 5 minutes of actual football. How many conferences, reviews, replays, meeting of the minds and CSU coaches on the field will it be by the end of this game at this pace?

Should have started a drinking game.

If we score on this drive, a la not be predictable, I think it's better than a PR TD, can't send our D right back out there....

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